Hub is presently having issues with our 29 yr. old son - who seems to "know all". I have a tendancy to chase and want to fix things, when there is a problem. My hub, on the other hand has an approach that seems to be more effective. He had several talks with our son. Discussed the issue in an attempt to resolve. Son just wants to hang on to the drama! So, hub has just let it "be there". We continue to call and include him in all family activities. He always responds with, "I'll let you know". But , so far, does not call us, either way. (He was raised better than that!) Tonight is the birthday dinner for the twins- eating out. He was called. He said he will let us know. I doubt that we will hear from him. But, like others have said, "This too shall pass". Sometimes when we chase too much, we actually repel what we are chasing. At times it is best to let them feel the uncomfortable-ness of the distance that they have created. Just a thought.
Hugs, Best