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Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

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    Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

    Beth you are awesome. Here's the deal.....daughter only knows of the Meadows, from the counselor, the counselor, herself, told me, my daughter called her, and she (therapist) told her, that I looked awful, the last time she saw me,( which was right after I'd been sick, and have posted it many times), and thought I needed inpatient treatment, or my daughter, whom I pay for her, to see said therapist, for all kinds of issues, least of all, my alcohol abuse, which isn't on a reg. basis in 3 yrs., told her to "blackmail" me into it, (going to the Meadows, or never contact me again), the therapist told me this, (now remember, she was an alcoholic, Rx addict, went to Meadows, and hubby a high level executive, forced to Hazelton, and they are now "Recovery Resources").. anyway told daughter "intervene"....this is a 22 yr. old, that has never held a job steady, that has had every whim catered to, has a home nicer than I ever lived in first married, paid for, all bills, a new car, ins., and whatever else she wants, given to her, that has never paid the therapist a dime!....that is one reason, I thought the counselor, that I'd seen forever, would sort of address my daughters need to kinda do her own life a bit, daughter goes separate from me, to the therapist, I don't ask questions, just pay the bill...we have gone together on the alcohol thing...and thought we'd hammered that out....she is with us tons, knows this is an isolated incident,....she has had it made, and has been arrested for "overindulging" herself, but I wasn't supposed to address that, or tell on her, or make demands, because "I'm not perfect either"....I take FULL responsibility....and I do understand she is scared....but she wouldn't know what the "Meadows" is, nor do I, (heard of Hazelton, Horizons, the, but the "therapist" put this idea in her head...this is the first time, she's known of in over a yr., and that time, it was vacation, and we were all a bit "touched", that I've had too much in 3 yrs.,... so, she has been brainwashed into thinking I'm going to die, by the Nazi AA person....I totally understand I scared her, sent her back....but her cussing me, and blackmailing me, never having had to have a real scary day herself of worry without support.....its unacceptable to me, and I just think its bunk. I guess I really am stronger today! LOL I do need to be more "perfect".....but my daughter and the therapist need a bit of work also! I need to find one that is not replaying old tapes of their own! I really do think, I do need to have my own life outside my "kids" demands, funny thing is, not a one of them is perfect, and 2 are that's why we are all forgiven for our sins! I found a cool site today....from Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, its called Celebrate can go to their site, its your area if it appeals to you, I loved the testimonial from the pastor that came up with the concept! Love you all! Tons and bushels!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!


      What BETH SAID!!

      Good advice.

      I am going through the same thing.

      My daughter asked me today to go to rehab again and NOT Lenair. She wants me well even though she is still not well. True love.

      I am going to go to Lenair and IF IT DOESN'T WORK, I am going to a 90 day rehab even if it means losing my job. I have all my eggs in the "Lenair basket" and if it works, I am sending my daughter there. If it works for her, I will figure out how to send my son and his wife.

      DAMN. We are all alcoholics and we all want to be "fixed."

      If Lenair doesn't work for me, I will not send my children to her. If it does, they are there in however much time it takes to pay them and get them there.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

        Cindi, is the antabuse working for you? I am wondering why you feel the need for Lenair. You seem so strong and sober. (I am jealous!) Not questioning your needs, just curious, if you don't mind. Thanks, CS


          Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

          Cindi, I thought you just said you and daughter were going to Lenair together, and your folks....I'd be glad to go to Lenair, if I'd been to detox, rehab, etc......before, just never been down that road, may be there, and if so, will face it, I'll try detox, rehab, but with cancer, within 4 yrs., ins. can't tolerate it, I'm more serious about my ins., over cancer., than alcohol, had that checked every 3 to 6 mos. since diagnosis., the alcohol thing,..all a-ok.....I know I'm not perfect, but my other health issues, out-weight the alkie ones....antabuse, since my daughters freak, has worked......just going to Celebrate Recovery, its not AA....I'm so much more in control.....ya'll check it is great! And so is Rick Warren's supported program!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

            toughintexas;365570 wrote: Cindi, I thought you just said you and daughter were going to Lenair together, and your folks....I'd be glad to go to Lenair, if I'd been to detox, rehab, etc......before, just never been down that road, may be there, and if so, will face it, I'll try detox, rehab, but with cancer, within 4 yrs., ins. can't tolerate it, I'm more serious about my ins., over cancer., than alcohol, had that checked every 3 to 6 mos. since diagnosis., the alcohol thing,..all a-ok.....I know I'm not perfect, but my other health issues, out-weight the alkie ones....antabuse, since my daughters freak, has worked......just going to Celebrate Recovery, its not AA....I'm so much more in control.....ya'll check it is great! And so is Rick Warren's supported program!

            My trgeminal neuralgia meds do not let me take Antabuse due to liver damage.


            I am taking my triagminal neuralgia meds because I have NEVER EXPERIENCED PAIN THIS BAD BEFORE. Not with two C-Sections, not with a hysterectomy, not with gastric bypass.

            This pain is so bad it is like "okay, if this doesn't go away, I am getting a gun and shooting my brains out."

            I truly have never experienced anything this bad in my life. Not kidding.

            Sooo. I can't take the Antabuse, I can't take Tylenol, I can't take lots of meds.

            I AM, however, going to Lenair because I am such an alcoholic that I do want that to go away. I do. I do. I do.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

              I am sorry to hear that you are still experiencing this pain with the neuralgia. Sad to hear that you are no longer able to take the antabuse. Are you staying sober without it? As in this last post, I read where you describe yourself as "Such an Alcoholic", what does that mean? It seems that by putting yourself in the catagory of "more of an alcoholic than most", you depleat yourself of the strength you need to stop drinking.Cindi, I read a post written by you just the other day, you told the poster that "the way is within him and with the help of "He", who I think you meant Jesus, he could press through this." What about you? Cindi, I hope that Lenair is the answer for you. But, that is still a few weeks away, middle of August, right? I want for you to be safe and well until then! Go back an read your do have the answers within just have to put forth the extreme effort that this takes. You can do it! your daughter can do it too!

              Please take care of yourself, sacrificing yourself, will not cure your daughter!

              XXX Kate
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                I just checked out the "Celebrate Recovery" website. I noticed they have support groups all over the country. I enjoyed his book "Purpose Driven Life" I need to read it again.


                  Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                  TIT - just checking on you and the situation with DD. Your trip is right around the corner, and am curious how things are going. Hope you have a great weekend.
                  AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                  Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                  (from the Movie "Once")


                    Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                    Living, I haven't checked to see if she's e-mailed me again yet, big chicken, I told her to call me when she'd calmed down, and wanted to talk, not cuss and scream, and that I loved her tons. I also sent her the website to Celebrate Recovery, I'm going to try both of the groups they have in Tyler, and see which one I feel most "at home" in, they also even have them in 2 sm. towns nearby. I love Rick Warren, and his other books, and I loved the testimony of the pastor that gave Rick the idea, and started the ministry! I'm going on Monday, will let ya'll know. I am praying hard about my daughter, for Him to put it in her heart to calm down, and talk with me, and go with us, if not, then I have to just let it go for now. I think my son and stepson are going to have a chat with her, I sent them the e-mails she wrote, they weren't amused in the least. Please have a group prayer for Alex to get back in touch with her TIT! LOL I'll check on ya'll tonight, have a huge busy day! I love you all tons!!!!
                    here's that site again
                    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                      Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                      TIT!* You live in Tyler?** I used to live there, when I worked for Exxon.* Small world.* Don't get discouraged, she'll come around!* Earlier in this thread I talked about our oldest son and his dad having problems.* Acutally he is my step son.* When my hub and I got married he had custody of his two and I had custody of my 3. They were 14, 11, 8, and twins 5.* Finished raising them all together.* Anyway, step-son came up night before last, and told us that he was leaving the next morning and heading the california (driving).* He needed us to sign his lease release. He has not come around since late march.* (only lived about 30 minutes from here)** Felt that Hub told him that he was sorry if that is the way he felt, but son never really accepted the apology, said it wasn't sincere. PA-LEEEEZE!* Anyway, he was leaving the next morning. He didn't call the other boys, he was not going to stop and see his sister and nephew on his way west, he didn't even call his 87 yr. old grandmother!* GRRRRRRRRRRR!* I feel so bad for my hub!* Darn kids sometimes!*
                      My Mom used to say when they are little they step on your toes and when they get big, they step on your heart!* So true!
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                        Hey guys, well, no word, no more e-mails, son's kinda let her know she was surely not perfect, and I kinda firmly told her in an e-mail, that she was pretty hypocritical, and surely not faultless, and that "our" councelor wasn't going to be mine anymore. I'm sure me being "Mom" and not pal, and reminding her of a few incidents that nobody blackmailed, or told on her, will just probably piss her off worse, but I was tired of just sitting on it, and it was giving me the poops, and making me cry, and ya know, I just sorta let off a lil steam of my own on her. No response! So, she has heard from all her sibs, that she is not helping a thing by this type of manipulation, and that everyone, warts and all, deserves love and support when they are struggling, no matter with what it is. She knows I'd never do this to a soul. Anyway, I cancelled her ticket, and her tours with us, right now, I don't even want her to go. I need some peace! LOL I love you all, and thanks again, I'll keep you up to date. Please anyone with lil kids, try to stop this crazy AL so you never have to be where I am now, hell its my own fault, but nobody is perfect. Love to all.......
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                          Upset my daughter..'bout to have a heart attack over it!

                          Hi tough--

                          Wow, she must be a stubborn thing. Sounds like she is missing out on a wonderful time--oh well, her loss. I know it will be really hard, but please don't let this spoil your vacation! You deserve to relax and enjoy yourself. She'll come around eventually. :h :l
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

