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Creative idea needed!

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    Creative idea needed!

    Okay, here's the deal. This Friday will be my daughter's 18th birthday. I know this sounds odd, but if you knew her you would understand. She has never after the age of five or six enjoyed having any type of "celebration" on her birthday. Its just her personality. She is super serious... a study freak if you get the drift. A little on the OCD side, but extremely hard worker. Anyway, she is in Washington D.C. at the moment with an internship this summer and is sitting in on the House of Representatives while they are voting on certain bills this week pertaining to education for underpriveleged children. (if that gives you any idea about her) Anyway, that's just how she is. I'm super proud of her, and really wanted to do something special for her 18th. So I kind of "picked her brain" a little bit before she left about anything special she would like for her birthday and she made it very clear that she did NOT want any surprise parties, big deals and would be tired after her trip and wanted to come home and sleep for her birthday. She is moving 1,800 miles away in three weeks to go to college, and I really want to do something special. So since I know she hates parties and traditional birthday indulgences, my Mom and I have decided to go all out and decorate her room really outlandish ...... all temporary of course that can be removed and not damage the walls, etc. I do not have the first artistic bone in my body and have tried googling ideas on the internet but only get images and suggestions for regular bedroom decorating. I would LOVE to have some suggestions for a fun, colorful ideas on something I could do in a day? I'm thinking "Partyland" type decorations? My son suggested covering her walls in birthday wrapping paper.... I just want her to walk in and be shocked, but happily surprised.

    Oh, and her room is currently decorated completely white. White walls, white comforter, etc. She says color distracts her. Well I want to distract her!

    Any suggestions from you artsy, creative people??
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

    Creative idea needed!

    Two words. DISCO BALL.
    Do my issues make my butt look big?


      Creative idea needed!

      What are her interests? What is she going to college for? Does she like animals? Gardening? Traveling?

      Anything else about her personality you can tell us?

      Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


        Creative idea needed!

        OH! Disco ball.....LOVE IT!
        Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


          Creative idea needed!

          well all girls love teddy bears and roses go with white teddy bears and red and white roses
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Creative idea needed!

            ohhhh... I'm liking this disco ball theme.... what a riot!

            She is going up north to an engineering college. She is going for radiological nuclear engineering..... maybe I could tape calculators all over the wall?

            No seriously, she does have a bone or two of humor, and has been notorious in the past for decorating other people's rooms in this house quite outlandishly in the past. She absolutely loves chocolate as well. I thought about dangling hundreds of candy bars from the ceiling with yarn. But then I thought, how dumb is that? Then again, I wouldnt complain if my ceiling were dangling with bottles of wine... errrrr, I mean chocolate.
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              Creative idea needed!

              Go to the dollar store. We do alot of decorating for events at work and you will be surprised at the frilly, glittery things you can get at a good dollar store.


                Creative idea needed!

                T, you are so right about the teddy bear thing! She has a huge white (or course) teddy bear on her bed that she has had since she was six. She is taking it to college with her and we have to take it on the
                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                  Creative idea needed!

                  How about decorating her room in the theme of her new college! Pendants, Throws, binders and folders, etc. and maybe a set of sweats and T-shirts with the college logo too! All things she can decorate her new dorm room with!

                  Hope she has a fabulous birthday!! She sounds like a great girl!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Creative idea needed!

                    Replace any light bulbs with colored ones.
                    Multicolored paper/plastic table cloths are cheap and look great draped from the ceiling (like a dropped balloon type look). Use tacks or pushpins to hold up the edges.
                    Hang cut out pictures (against poster board shapes) of your daughter/family/pets from fishing line at different lengths all over the ceiling
                    Visit the dollar store nearest you and get instantly inspired
                    Do my issues make my butt look big?


                      Creative idea needed!

                      OH Prest
                      I forgot the website Oreintal Trading. You can pick a theme and order decorations. Maybe disco will work.


                        Creative idea needed!

                        Hundreds of red balloons! Fill enough with helium to completely cover the ceiling - (maybe add red ribbon to dangle down) and then inflate enough to completely cover the floor to maybe knee-height. A sea of red balloons and red clouds.????????


                          Creative idea needed!

                          Don't you mean 99 luft balloons Tawny? Just lovely!
                          Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                            Creative idea needed!

                            I love ALL of these ideas! I love the cheap tablecloths draped from the ceiling idea, and the red balloons! Maybe coupled with T's idea of red roses... and how good does red look with chocolate!! Then if I could get the disco lights going as well..... hmmmmm.... keep the ideas coming...

                            I promise I will post a picture of it when I am done.
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Creative idea needed!

                              P4T, if you can't get the disco ball, you can always use strings of white blinking Xmas lights all around the room....if you have those, or borrow them from a neighbor.....I'm sure you have a neighbor or friends with those.
                              Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

