Right now I will see her in 4 weeks. I think that the diagnosis was pretty much that I don't need therapy until I get the chemicals in my head straight first. If I do, I didn't realize that although she is an independent practioner, she is in a building with MANY different behavioral health practitioners whom work very close together, and if I do need therapy and she can't help me, she can lead me to where I should go as far as that is concerned, but at this point, I just need the drugs.
I only cried a little. This was when I spoke of my irritability. I just hate that the most. I can handle being depressed, being a raging bitch is what gets me the most. The reason I went to this lady is because this office was basically the only one that answered my call....and I am glad. From researching her name, I got that she was someone different (much older). When I walked in I was a bit surprised. She is very young and cute. Very much a Birkenstock with socks wearing Earth child. I am very glad I found her.
Which leads me to state that I am very glad that I found this site. Although I have been drinking like a crazy woman

If there are any newbies out there......Do your 30 days; do it NOW. Pay attention to what your mind and body is telling you. Journal it!!! Although my alcoholism may have nothing to do with being bipolar, I do know that I want a drink more during certain times than others.
That's all I have to say about that!!
Love you all!!!! :h