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Back from the Doctor

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    Back from the Doctor

    I am finally back; I had to visit a friend after my appointment. Well, I have been initially diagnosed as bipolar, which was not a big surprise. She said it was good that I went with my gut feeling that I didn't take the Effexor my GP prescribed last week; she felt that it could have sent me into a deeper manic episode. She gave me 5 weeks of Lamictal (if anyone has experience with this---advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!)
    Right now I will see her in 4 weeks. I think that the diagnosis was pretty much that I don't need therapy until I get the chemicals in my head straight first. If I do, I didn't realize that although she is an independent practioner, she is in a building with MANY different behavioral health practitioners whom work very close together, and if I do need therapy and she can't help me, she can lead me to where I should go as far as that is concerned, but at this point, I just need the drugs.
    I only cried a little. This was when I spoke of my irritability. I just hate that the most. I can handle being depressed, being a raging bitch is what gets me the most. The reason I went to this lady is because this office was basically the only one that answered my call....and I am glad. From researching her name, I got that she was someone different (much older). When I walked in I was a bit surprised. She is very young and cute. Very much a Birkenstock with socks wearing Earth child. I am very glad I found her.
    Which leads me to state that I am very glad that I found this site. Although I have been drinking like a crazy woman the past couple of weeks, because of this site, I was able to get enough AF days and advice in order to recognize where this has come from. Without this site, I would have continued to drink the way I was drinking. I would have continued to ignore the signs and symptoms.
    If there are any newbies out there......Do your 30 days; do it NOW. Pay attention to what your mind and body is telling you. Journal it!!! Although my alcoholism may have nothing to do with being bipolar, I do know that I want a drink more during certain times than others.
    That's all I have to say about that!!
    Love you all!!!! :h
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow

    Back from the Doctor

    That's great Lukalee!
    you are on your way....


      Back from the Doctor

      Hey Lukalee,

      So glad you gave us an update. I was on Effexor once and it was enough to make me bipolar! I think being honest with yourself is the biggest key to your freedom.

      Sounds like you found an awesome doc! I hope this med works really well for you!

      All the best!
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Back from the Doctor

        Dear Luk, thanks for checking in. My former MIL was bi-polar, but I'm pretty unfamiliar with the newer "Bipolar II" diagnosis. Brain chemistry is so bloody complicated. .. wishing you the best in your treatment. Keep us posted my friend
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          Back from the Doctor

          Lamictal seems to be the favorite med of the patients. For this reason I recommended my husband ask for it but his Dr won't prescribe it until he talks to me next month. I guess his Dr's concern is that it may throw him into mania and it is more for the depressive end of things I'm not a Dr but this med is #1 in patient satisfaction from what I've heard. I sure hope it works for you. Did they say anything about taking it with alcohol?
          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            Back from the Doctor


            I'm so happy for you, I've been waiting all day for your update post. Thanks for not forgetting to post! I'm so glad it was a positive appointment and that there is a light for you.


            Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


              Back from the Doctor

              Luka, You sound so good! It sounds like things went very well for you today! I am so happy for you! It sounds like you are on your way, girl! So, so happy for you, sweetie!! You deserve happiness!

              XXX Kate
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Back from the Doctor

                Luka, That sounds like a ghreat leap in the right direction. And you sound so positive about it. I'm excited for you and look forward to hearing of your progress! :l
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Back from the Doctor

                  I'm really glad you like your doctor. I hope this medication works for you. I haven't ever taken it but it seems to get good reviews from many. Thanks for letting us know it went well.


                    Back from the Doctor

                    Glad you got a good doctor and a diagnosis.
                    Did you see there was a thread in the meds section about Lamictal?
                    A doctor told one of our users that Lamictal is similar to Topomax and suggested taking it.

                    So, I wonder, does Lamictal help with moderating drinking as Topo does?

                    Good luck with it all. I also recommend you get therapy to supplement all this!


                      Back from the Doctor

                      So happy that you found a Dr. to listen to you and get you started on a path of getting better.

                      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                        Back from the Doctor

                        Hi Luk, glad you have a diagnosis. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

                        I've always been skeptical of Effexor since the drug company who makes it "bribes" doctors for prescribing it - free vacations, etc. NYT did a story on it. I've heard it's awful, like Prest says and getting off is awful too.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Back from the Doctor

                          Hi Luka,

                          Terrific news!

                          Finding a doctor you like seems to be half the battle. A good doctor makes a great partner!
                          It's nice to have regular appointments plus someone you can call.

                          I took Effexor for a long time and it helped me a great deal.

                          I didn't read the article in the NYT regarding the particular drug company gifting physicians to prescribe Effexor but the huge drug companies have been wining and dining physicians for tens of years to persuade the physicians to keep their drugs 'in mind'. Hospitals as well.

                          Unfortunately, it's common practice.

                          But Luka, you didn't say, how's the chimp?

                          magic xxx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Back from the Doctor

                            Thank you so much everyone!!! I really do feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. It may take me a bit to get back into the groove of things, but I am hoping to be back much more on this site once I don't feel like bombing the world. JK. (Big Brother, I really don't want to do that)>
                            Anyway, as far as the Effexor, I took the prescription from the GP, took it to the pharmacy, and then thought about it long and hard. It just did not feel like the right thing. Like some have expressed on this board, I felt it was either pushed and there was a kick back from the drug companies (which explains why it is one of the most widely prescibed of ALL meds) or she didn't know any better. Even though this week was pretty painful not taking the meds and waiting, I am really glad that I listened to my inner voice and did what I knew was right.
                            As far as AL and this med, I need to do more research tomorrow. Surprisingly the script information said nothing about AL amongst its few side effects and warnings. I gave the doc a full description of my drinking and she didn't mention it---maybe that is why she gave this as a prescription????? Either way, I know that meds like this do not fully work while drinking----even though it states not to change any meds, even BC, while taking it. Whatever, I'm glad it is done for now!!!!
                            Goal 1: Today
                            Goal 2: Tomorrow


                              Back from the Doctor

                              Good luck and good for you for being honest with the doc it's hard I know.

