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Back from the Doctor

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    Back from the Doctor

    :l Lukalee

    Don't know the first thing regarding your condition but just know that I am always a sounding board if you need it - I am so glad you have found a doctor who will listen to you - it is a real shame that she will not be able to continue seeing you but have to refer you on once the meds have taken effect

    Just a thought - she has been really open with you so it might be a good idea to be very honest with her and tell her how comfortable she makes you feel and your fear of being passed over to someone else who may not understand your needs - Ask her when the time comes can she can refer you to some one who shares her ways and beliefs on patient care

    Loads of love as always

    Sweetpea:l:l:h:h xxxxxxxxxxxx
    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


      Back from the Doctor

      You sound very postive...glad it went well for you.
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        Back from the Doctor

        Lukalee... good goin'! I have taken Lamictal for seizure and I know it is prescribed for bipolar disorder. Thank god you went to the doc! And that you were able to get off the booze long enough to think straight and realize that the problem isn't just the booze.

        I remember, and just looked it up to confirm, do not drink AL when taking Lamictal. Also, get yourself an alarm watch and take your dosage exactly at the same time each day. This helps to maintain the amount of meds you need in your blood to stabilize you. You'll be sleepy initially. But don't worry this will pass. Just sleep when you are sleepy and don't fight it.

        My best friend in grad school was bipolar and so is my mom. The best thing you can do for now is take your meds, eat, exercise a bit, and get plenty of rest. Then just wait for the meds to start to work.
        Take it easy today and we are all watching for your posts.


          Back from the Doctor

          Hi Lukalee
          You are so right you should always listen to your "gut feeling"
          Made a simalar choice myself this week, you certainly seemed to hold more power when you make the decision on whats best for you.
          Whats wrong with Birenstocks and socks anyways, If she knows her stuff:goodjob:
          I do wish you well, you have had a tough time of late:l

          In life we can live out our dreams its true
          the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


            Back from the Doctor

            Luk -

            I am so pleased you found a doctor who is listening and most importantly, you are speaking up for yourself. What a huge step!

            As for furthering your treatment with counseling, it's probably not just the drug she wants to have take effect but also monitoring your ability to moderate, go AF. Counseling will not be as effective if still on AL for the brain's chemistry is still off. And counseling effectiveness needs you to be "there".

            Perhaps this step of starting on the meds can be your "New beginning" all around. Hope so for you sound so positive and ready to make a change.

            Best of luck and do keep posting.....
            Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


              Back from the Doctor

              Happy for you Luck you are making me feel I need to make this step myself.... thanks for your courage and truthfulness in posting this.
              Love cap


                Back from the Doctor

                Luka...Great news about Doctor...Sounds like she knows her stuff and what a great ALI to have on your side...It's so SAD that many Doctors are clueless to help...
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

