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I need a kick up the backside

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    I need a kick up the backside


    ....or either a slap to make me realise that I'm falling back into the trap again. I managed to do 15 days AF then as it was my hubby's birthday on Saturday and I decided I would drink but moderate - which I did.

    However since then I have not been able to get back to AF. Previously after successfully doing 30 days AF I have slowly slipped back into my old habits and am worried that I'm doing it again. No matter how sh*t I feel in the morning and I remind myself how much better and clearheaded I was when I was AF is convincing me. I start feeling edgy around 4 pm and feel that I need it.

    If only i can get past day 1

    I need a kick up the backside

    Right there with ya Lotus...only I can never tell myself that I'll moderate, cause I'm only in it to get buzzed. And then it all begins over and over. I'm so, so tired of this, but can't seem to get motivated to remain AF, even though I love it when I am.

    I think we shouldn't concentrate on day 1 so much as just riding out that "edginess" we feel at the witching hour. It really does pass. For me, if I take the dogs for a walk or go in my room and listen to the CD's or occupies my mind. I also need to stop making dinner as that is a trigger for me.

    Don't get me wrong, I will still eat, just something simple as opposed to cooking something. We CAN do this, I only wish I had 30 days like you have had. The most I did was 3 wks...3 glorious weeks.

    I think it is evident to us that we should NEVER pick up that first drink. It starts the brain craving AL all over again. Good luck to us both, we really can do this.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


      I need a kick up the backside


      Yes, it does seem so hard to redo. I have no idea why.

      You, can, though, and you know it. Do like Ready2Change said, just get past the "witching" hour.

      Much love and strength to you,
      AF April 9, 2016


        I need a kick up the backside

        Day one has always been the hardest for me...I would write a list of MUST DOES..Clean closets,dump dressers,stock pantry...etc.etc.I was like a white tornado that tore everything into the middle of the room so it had to be picked up before I even had a place to walk....Many times i used that to get day 1 and maybe 2 and 3...By day 3 i usually felt well enough to carry on until the next overwhelming life Trauma and then i was back hiding again....The only answer for me was not to start at all...I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep AL out of my life forever.I bought Antabuse from Riverpharmacy just as a security measure so if I ever even feel the urge to drink I have vowed to take that first..Then my choice to drink is halted until I come back to my sences.....
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          I need a kick up the backside

          I'm right there with you....
          I have had a few long stretches without a drink and then for whatever reason, I drink, not excessively, and I can't seem to be able to say no.
          It's a struggle, but one we can overcome.
          For me, keeping busy is the thing, and come drink o'clock, it's just getting past that hour. After that I'm fine.
          You'll do it today......


            I need a kick up the backside

            Don't laugh but you know what I do when I crave a drink.... I go and brush my teeth!!

            There is nothing worse than drinking a glass of wine after brushing your teeth!
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              I need a kick up the backside

              Dee Bee - What a wonderful idea! (And so true).

              Lotus, the key is start again, and remember your most recent experience and carry it with you. You can do it, you have already done it!
              Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                I need a kick up the backside

                DeeBee...I wish that would stop me, cause YES it does make wine taste horrible, but when I drink I'm in it to get buzzed, so unfortunately, that wouldn't work for me. Hell, I 'll drink wine I don't even like if it will do the job. Pretty pathetic, isn't it?
                Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                  I need a kick up the backside

                  give it your best and dont give up. you can do this
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    I need a kick up the backside

                    Very common thing that happens around here, getting to the next stage is what makes the difference. I am still kind of stuck in the moderating generally very well to over doing it for a few weeks to back to AF.

                    I am learning still and its a long journey for some of us.



                      I need a kick up the backside

                      you said you wanted a slap.....or something.....


                        I need a kick up the backside

                        Hi all ready you are not pathetic ( that the sterotypical view of anybody with a drink problem that they are just weak etc) you are sick, this is an illness and unlike most illnesses their is very little understanding support or medical help out there. And I have done a straw poll of people I know incognetoe of cause and most people would find it hard to give up drinking even the ones who don't have a problem with it so it not easy all round.
                        Most people are horrified when I say I don't drink if only they knew I love it all that crap has gone yipee , mind you heard on the radio today being af erodes your brain cells !!!! you can't win.

                        Don't know if this help but to get me over the initial days I keep repeating I can drink wha I like but I am choosing not to , it really helped me made me feel like i was making a choice instead of being denied something never thought I would get this far but i have and you can too. Just keep giving it your best shot

                        DD X


                          I need a kick up the backside

                          Lotus, I am in the same boat as you I had racked up almost 3 weeks af and then decided to have one
                          then 2 then everyday then all day and now 2 weeks later still can't get a day one AF under my belt. I
                          feel like an idiot. My liver is starting to hurt again, I am starting to feel depressed and hopeless again.


