Now officially? I broke my rules. AF all weekdays. But in spirit? It was a big victory. I really don't subscribe to opening alcohol for moderation, at least not until now. It was an amazing feeling. Nice little drink, a bit of calm, but no more. No drunk. Went to be hours later drinking hot tea, clear headed and having good convo. with my hub. I even made him a drink when he got home, and didn't continue drinking. Huh. Weird. I was actually aware of the itty bit of buzz from my one drink, and didn't want to get all fuzzy, tired and unproductive.
So today is day 9, and I've maintained AF, or really only had a very reasonable amount (3 of those days). I've not done that in a long, long time. Tonight, we have company, and I'm not going to serve wine. THAT NEVER HAPPENS!