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Still struggling with grief over my little dog

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    Still struggling with grief over my little dog

    I care.

    I understand.

    I loved my dogs, Peanut, Oboe and Douglass.

    They were my children.

    Surounding your words with words of comfort.

    I am sorry.

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      Still struggling with grief over my little dog

      Thank you all. Prest love to you as well as all of the other loving pet loving posters.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Still struggling with grief over my little dog

        Skendall...I too shall soon feel that pain that you are in. My furbaby has lymphoma and her days are short. She will be 11yrs old next month and I pray she makes it till then. But only if she is comfortable. I will not let her suffer to have her here with me. She has given me 11 wonderful years. Everyday she wakes up and wags her tail and give me kisses is special. I hate that she had to get this dreaded disease..and I hate having to make that decision to end her life when the time comes, but am grateful to be able to ease any pain she may encounter. My heart aches with you.

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


          Still struggling with grief over my little dog

          (((Hilary))) I'm sorry for your loss.


            Still struggling with grief over my little dog

            SK - I know exactly how you feel ~ There is just nothing that will help except time. I always know the heart of someone by the love they show an animal. You are a special person, and there is a new little dog just waiting for that kind of home.

            Love to you
            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              Still struggling with grief over my little dog

              Skendall..I love my dogs. I have two right now; and I adore them with all my heart; Mini Schnauzers.

              I had one dog who I loved so much, that when he died I grieved for years. He is buried in my parents yard and I still can't look at the cross as I cry. Everytime I pull up in the drive I expect to see his little face in the window waiting for me. Dogs are amazing, and loving and I feel your pain.. I really do. He was my little baby; we would tobaggan together, he slept on my bed, he was just the best dog, and he was mine. I thought I lost one of my mini's the other night and the feeling was horrible, they are our little furry babies..


                Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                I am so glad you let us know how you are feeling and I tell you I would be feeling the same way as you are right now.

                I am here for you,



                  Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                  I am very sorry to hear this story. My dogs passed away four + years ago. I am only just now ready for another one. I understand only too well how devastating this can be. It is the unconditional love and innocence that is so beautiful in an animal.


                    Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                    Hi SKendall,
                    So sorry to hear about your dog.
                    It sounds like she had a great life with you and that is something to try and find comfort in. You looked after her until it was no longer fair to keep her going and she knew that.
                    Best Wishes,
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                      Thanks, I'm obviously surrounded by animal lovers! We are a caring group for sure. Her ashes came home this afternoon and I can't even look at the box. I feel it's too soon to get another one, but our remaining dog is turning into a baby boy and is whimpering if we aren't loving on him. I just wonder how long he should be the "only child".

                      Your comforting words have really helped thank you so much.

                      Living Free, I am so sorry. You will know when she stops loving life. I made this decision alone and it was difficult, but I couldn't allow her pain and suffering.

                      Love you all.

                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                        He is sad too...give him lots of love, he needs it.


                          Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                          I love my animals too SK....I had to put one of my beloved baboes to sleep not long ago. It is terribly heart breaking. I am so sorry for your pain.
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                            Hi Hilary,
                            Sorry I know I'm awful late posting here--but I'll admit I usually avoid the sad dog posts. I "retired" from my job last year--but I worked as a vet tech for 26 years, and THE hardest thing about my job was putting animals to sleep. Some were easier than others, but half the time I found myself bawling right along with the clients. After awhile you have to kind of put up a little hard fence around your heart or you hate your job.
                            Anyway, I am sorry--euthanasia is never an easy decision. It is the ultimate final act of love we can give our pets I believe. I felt compelled to post here tonight as I just got back from the vet--I went with my MIL to take her poor, old, very sick dog. She probably has cancer, according to her bloodwork she shouldn't be breathing--but she was wagging her tail and trying to stand up pretty and beg! MIL is beside herself--4 years ago she found my FIL in the shop--he had died out there unloading some stuff, and she had gotten home late that night, and thought he was asleep in the basement! She can't bear the thought of finding the dog that way. It's also hard because she has been her companion out on the farm since he passed away. She'll have to decide what to do tomorrow after more tests.:upset:
                            Anyway, thanks for letting me share.:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                              I've been there many times with you. Losing a dog is never easy, no matter what the circumstance may be and all I know is that great spirits must continue to be that. Take care.

