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Still struggling with grief over my little dog

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    Still struggling with grief over my little dog

    Hi all. I put my little dog to sleep almost three weeks ago. She was 15, but had contracted canine glaucoma. I had my head in my hand as I was driving in to Port Angeles because she was in so much pain and her eye was bulging from her affliction.

    It wasn't our regular vet who recomends staying as long as you can to say goodbye to your pet. This vet was the surgeon, who has performed miracles on our Gordon Setter when he was hit by a car, but somehow rushed me. He put in the woozy needle which had worked so well the week before on our husky, but little Beastie threw an adrenalin surge and I had to wrestle her to keep her on the bed and then he shaved her leg and put in the final needle, it was too fast, too soon. I wanted to explain to her that I hadn't betrayed her, I just wanted to relieve her pain. I needed more time to say goodbye.

    Hubby was in Minneapolis at the time and he suddenly decided he would return to "help me". Hell no, I didn't want him disrupting my grief with his constant demands and having to drive to the airport and meet his plane which he may have not gotten a connection to, and maybe not. I told him not to come back, but he changed his flights anyway and I told him to change them back, very expensive.

    I cried a little, but not a lot. I so miss her. She came with me to Texas this last winter and I was with her 24/7. If I was having dinner at a restaurant with friends or my daughter, I came back to the car and her little head would be looking for me and then seeing me, her tail would go like crazy. There wasn't a drive up bank, or a drive up Starbucks that didn't point to her as that "cute little dog". She was a mutt with some pug in her and maybe corgi. She brought smiles wherever I walked her. Several times during the day she would lie on her back with paws up and tail wagging, knowing that I would rub her tummy gently and kiss her.

    Today, the vet clinic called and her ashes are in and the floodgates have opened. I am crying and grieving like I didn't do in the beginning - just trying to be brave. I bought 2 beautiful wooden boxes for the ashes of our husky, Samantha who died June 13th, and now for little Beastie who died June 21st.

    I know this will get better, but it hit me today.

    Thanks for listening.

    Enlightened by MWO

    Still struggling with grief over my little dog


    I dont know what to say, other than I am so sorry. Grief can be a sneaky thing.... creeping in after we think we have a handle on it. I think this is perfectly normal. Three weeks is not that long to be over a constant friend that has been by your side for 15 years. Be gentle with yourself and let the tears flow.

    Big hug,
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      Still struggling with grief over my little dog


      My heart goes out to you. I know the sadness of losing our little guys. I really do.

      One of my "big" dogs died a HORRIBLE death on a fire. No one knows why or how he did it but he burned himself to death on a fire of deadwood we were burning. My poor hubby came home and found him there. He had to bury him.

      Within a week, my oldest dog was in such distress, couldn't even get up and get a drink, couldn't eat and was looking at me with those huge big brown eyes. I took her to the doctor and he said, "she is in a lot of pain and there is nothing I can do to help her." We put her to sleep with me and my husband with her. I held her when he gave her the shot.

      I am not trying to make you feel worse, I am just trying to let you know I understand the pain. It is huge, it is immnense. They are such blessings in our lives. OMG, they are such blessings in our lives.

      When they have to leave us, a huge, gaping, loving hole is left.

      However, I am sooo grateful for the time they spent with me. So grateful.

      I would not exchange one single moment of that love.

      The loss is incredible but the time spent with us outweighs it hugely.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Still struggling with grief over my little dog


        I could not read your entire post or I would be a sobbing mess right now. I get the jist of it though and have been there. However, I am just glad we have the option of putting a pet to sleep to avoid suffering. I know you did the right thing. I am very sorry it hurts so much but your doggy had a great life and knows he was loved. On the other side, he also knows your choice was out of love. I know you miss him but he is thrilled to be healthy and having fun in doggy heaven.



          Still struggling with grief over my little dog

          hi sk i no yur greif its not nc to lose somthing tht stands by you with realy no demands but the odd petting and treat i have my dog jinx mostly with me and i dread tht day i had to put my brothers dog down the other year and tht was horrible enuff,gees son was with me and said dad i dont no wht yur gonna do when your dog dies the tht doesnt make me feel pleasant at all hope tomorrow brings better lt into yur life gyco


            Still struggling with grief over my little dog

            Thanks all, she was a she dog, a wonderful, difficult, stubborn female - loved that about her.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Still struggling with grief over my little dog

              I know how close you were to your pup and I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but grief is such an individual process. You provided your dog with a long and happy life. Try and cling to that if it helps.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                SKendall;365516 wrote: Thanks all, she was a she dog, a wonderful, difficult, stubborn female - loved that about her.
                Oh, yes. I would have loved that about her, too.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                  I am grateful to you all, because I really think you understand.

                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                    My babies mean the world to me. My heart goes out to you. (Two of my pups are 13 and 14, so every day is a gift.) I don't think you had to tell her you didn't betray her. She knew that on a much deeper level than words in English anyway.


                      Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                      Hi SK, I am so sorry to hear that you are so sad. Grief is a really rough ride! I am sure that your sweet doggy lived a wonderful life with you. You did the right thing in letting him go in peace and stop his suffering. I have so often wished we could be that kind to human suffering.

                      You had a lot to go through in a very short time. The loss of two dear friends. Crying is a good thing at times like this. But, soon you will be able to smile remembering so many wonderful times that you shared.

                      Sending you peace and comfort,

                      XX Kate
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                        Thanks Kate, that helps a lot.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                          SK.....I so understand. I can't say anything else......cause you Just to let you know, I very much understand.
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                            Hi again...

                            Just had a thought that reminded me of what has helped me so much in a very similar situation.

                            I realized I became obsessed with the "last moments", and we judge ourselves according to those last moments.... "what were they feeling, thinking".

                            They are grateful... I am sure! If you have ever taken him to the vet before for regular shots (I am sure you have), but you brought him safely home and loved him, not doubt more! Your pup knew he was at the Vet so he would get better, and as long as you were there, he knew you meant nothing short of love and compassion for him. I am sure he knew you brought him there for his highest good! He knew it was because you loved him, I am sure.

                            Grieve.... but do not get stuck and unable to move on.
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Still struggling with grief over my little dog

                              Lushy, when I posted this, your heartbreak with the loss of your parents was never very far from my mind. What a tragedy for you, and I know how difficult life is for you now.
                              Enlightened by MWO

