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Dreams Dashed!!!

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    Dreams Dashed!!!

    Vera Im not disgusting ( I know you didnt say that ) HAAAAAAAAAAA a few of the pubs I have been to are and we have one of the best Jazz festivles "no boils" LOL ....Not all Australian pubs lol are like that just my personal view once I swipe the spit off HAAAAAAAAA


      Dreams Dashed!!!

      LIV you are just one of those people that all over the world we want a hug from you i know cant be everywhere!!!!!...... you are such a wonderful person.
      Love cap


        Dreams Dashed!!!

        CaptnJack! LMAO~
        And then again, whats left of my A@#, is still in a tizy.

        Well, do what I did. GO TO THE PUB.
        Then wake up and as you do you see something in the far distance. You believe it is the Lover you went home with, for you have awoke on a Mountain Top with such magnificence.
        Then you zero in. You see a machine attached to a face. What you saw in the far distance was the hair that was on the head of that face. It was now at rest, on something that held it while not being used.
        You zero in.
        You see the face of what belongs to the hair from the far distance, it is on a machine that gives it oxygen. The soul, that belongs to the body, that belongs to the face has sleep apnea,of which I DO NOT make fun of.
        You search for the fall you wore prior to going to the PUB that called. You did so for you did not have time to prepare your own locks.
        Fall found, resting in their own special place amongts the sheets.

        The person raises and I am groveling looking for my clothes and trying to project my eye sight to where the holy hell am I.
        They explain the condition that calls for the oxygen. They tell you how beautiful you are as they reach for the hair on the stand. You smile, holding sheet to body with one hand and with the other you are inocently looking for your personal items.

        You and the one from the PUB have a moment. He already wants to make space in his closet for your clothes for the next time.
        You are already discombobulated because you don't even know what the first time was like.

        Yep, That ole' Pub awaits, it longs for the presence of someone like me. Like (us?)
        After episodes that mangeled my character as I was appreciated as and revered for, I finally retreated behind the curtain in the room I dwell.

        I hope I have articulated what I feel in a manner that makes sense.

        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


          Dreams Dashed!!!

          The me you did and you didnt have to go as low as me and mention boils I forever wish I HAD YOUR CLASS seriously I admire your sense of things
          Love always Cap


            Dreams Dashed!!!

            Oh would you believe??? I got home with all the film suggestions and my hubby said, "Oh there all a bit late starting...the reason I said I didn't want to go to the pub was because I didn't want us to be back late...and intoxicated!"

            My mum wanted to come round as she had a broken laptop she wanted my hubby to look at...

            and then...

            we went to the pub! Only for an hour - oh and I as I walked through the door of the pub, I thought about captn's comment, "I'd rather suck on a lanced boil!"

            Our pubs don't tend to smell anymore as it is illegal to smoke in them...

            Today is AF!
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              Dreams Dashed!!!

              Well that's one thing guarenteed then... you won't catch me having a pint in your pub!! Me and my twaks go hand in hand!! I know, I know, I got to kick the habit but i'm not there yet, I will be one day but I'm just not ready to let go of my nicotine sticks yet!!!

              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Dreams Dashed!!!

                There are so many exciting things do to rather than go to a pub. Movies, concerts, shows ,a walk through the park. It is a life change, giving up old habits............time for something new. New adventures, how exciting!
                The best is you wake up in the morning with a clear head and enjoy your Sunday.


                  Dreams Dashed!!!

                  I forgot to mention the poo left over in the toilet as you go to have a pee nothing more satisfying than peeing on some ones turd life just gets betterand better

