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Day 8....

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    Day 8....

    Ok....LOVE YOU ALL!!!

    You were right. Once I got through the initial first 5 days, I'm began to come alive again. Slowly on day 6, I began to emerge. The first days of grogginess, not much appetite, and restless sleep were behind me. Day 6...started slow, but I did start functioning. Day 7....felt good, accomplished alot more.

    Day 8 - FEELING DAMN GOOD! And happy this morning about this decision. Actually began planning the things I need to do today. (Not so much fun stuff, just basics of life). So much I've slacked on over time.

    And the best part.....making the plans didn't piss me off!!!! Cleaning the house, grocery shopping....all the stuff that always such an annoyance to me, now are something that I just have to do. I have to admit, I started cleaning some yesterday afternoon and evening, I found it weird without wine! I used to wait to clean till about 4pm-ish, so I could have wine and clean!!!! I thought it made it less painful. WOW! Its amazing how much MORE I accomplished without drinking and cleaning!!!!

    I just wanted to say thanks again to all of you, and I'm going for it. I do not want alcohol in my system anymore. 29 years is enough. I'm 44 and don't want to be that women you see sitting in the corner dive bar at 70 with no one but her drinking buddies. I want my daughter to love me till I die, not die while she's trying to sober me up.

    Thanks EVERYONE!
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    Day 8....

    Hi Panacea,
    Congratulations! - you should be feeling very proud of yourself.
    I still get annoyed by the washing and cleaning though! - I just feel like I go around the house in circles picking up stuff that I have just picked up and there is definitely someone coming into the house at night putting stuff at the bottom of the wash basket!
    Keep up the good work!
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      Day 8....

      Hi Panacea,
      I'm so very glad for you! There are so many different, non-alcoholic beverages that is very refreshing and tasty, why did/do we always think a buzz will make it better?
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        Day 8....

        Thx O2M!!!

        Bandit - I was walking in circles ocassionally while I clean, always have. But when drinking the wine, it would piss me off, and I'm just give up!!!! I'm on a cleaning binge now!

        Jessie - I have no idea why I thought having a buzz helps me with anything. Maybe in my earlier days of drinking, or the hour or two of drinking, before being drunk, I could've given you SOME type of excuse that could've passed for a reason....But now, just from 8 days AF, I'm seeing things in a different light. I'm gonna carry that with me for today, and try to keep that in mind in the future. My drinking wasn't doing anything but making everything difficult and making me feel useless.

        I need something that slaps me upside the head every time I think drinking will help me w/anything!
        "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


          Day 8....

          Hi PAnacea - bet you never thought you'd get this far, and I bet you never thought you'd feel as good as you do! Congratulations, give yourself credit...weekend will be tougher than week days, but you'll feel even better tomorrow morning, and so proud of yourself. Good Luck


            Day 8....


            Congrats on day 8, it's great to hear good stories like that and encouraging to hear how it is getting easier for you. It is crazy how we can rationalize absurd notions as "alcohol can help me clean better".

            One2many: That is a great idea, rewarding yourself for a job well done.

            Keep it up!


              Day 8....

              That's great news! I always get in a cleaning binge as house literally sparkles like in the commercials when I get like that. Big congrats to you on day 8!! You're wonderful! xooxox

