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Just checking to say hello

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    Just checking to say hello

    Evening all....Just wanted to say hello...i don't get here much and I was a little put off a while ago to be honest, but I am being brave tonight and hoping no one will judge me..(!)Anyway, I'm doing ok. Modding-dangerous grounds but I'm in the drivers seat!!! I am sitting here alone. I have put my children to bed and my other half is on a boys holiday in the sun...lucky him its 36 degrees where he is...raining like hell where i am...hey that's England for you! He does not like me getting on MWO, I think it must be a man thing! sorry all you men out there..what i mean, you, take me away from him and the attention thing....So tonight I am free to do as I please and you know what...? Its fine. I went to the pub earlier and met up with my two friends. We had 3 pints and I walked home...i have two children and they are my responsibility...just me tonight, no was strange but I was ok and took it in my stride...I normally tend to rely on my husband to share the load with me but as i was alone I was taking my role much more as an adult should...I'm quite proud of myself...It sounds stupid but sometimes i am a child myself...(I'm nearly 40 by the way!) I know, shocking isn't it!!!!!

    I'm having a drink now but I'm in control and going to bed soon.....I just feel free I don't have "Big Brother" watching me.....

    Lots of love....Bella XXXX

    Just checking to say hello

    Hey Bella you sound good thanks for posting I miss you always loved your view on things you are a wonderful person feel free and be happy
    Love always Cap


      Just checking to say hello

      Bella, don't be put off. No one is judging you (I certainly am not)! You are in control and that is what modding is all about. be comfortable and happy -- no Big Brother. Glad you had fun -- just don't go to the pubs that Captnjack talks about! lol


        Just checking to say hello sound like a girl after my own heart X


          Just checking to say hello

          Hi Bella! It is so great to hear you are doing well. I've missed you! Having children does force you to be responsible, not more goofing around like we used to. That's excellent news on the moderating! Love yah doll! xoxoxox


            Just checking to say hello

            And PS...I would never judge you. We all make our own choices and no one in any position to judge anyone else...


              Just checking to say hello

              CSO4.....I might like the pubs that Captjack talks about!!!!! Actually, the more i think about it...yes..hes an Oz.....Ozzy pubs are fab!


                Just checking to say hello

                Thanks for saying that Gia! Good to hear from youX


                  Just checking to say hello

                  Good to see you Bella.....
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    Just checking to say hello

                    Hi Bella,
                    Nice to meet you!
                    I don't mean to be bad but as much as I love my husband sometimes I love when he is away. He was meant to have been away last Thursday night and I got myself all geared up with water on for a nice bath, good film at the ready etc. etc. and then he rang to say his thing was cancelled and he was on his way home - I was really disappointed!
                    He also does not really like the MWO thing either - not the programme or anything - just the fact that I have been spending a lot of time here lately, afraid that I am talking to whoever.. he keeps thinking I am going to meet someone tall, dark and handsome and run away with them - I think he overestimates my loveliness - chance would be a fine thing!!
                    Sounds like you are doing well.
                    Best Wishes,
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      Just checking to say hello

                      Bella and Bandit
                      I've never been to Australia or England for that matter (although spent time in Russia, China and a few odd spots in between). However, I too am wondering if my hubby thinks I am spending too much time in the distant land of MWO/the computer room. I have done NOTHING outside this summer- no gardening, and the back porch is not even cleaned up and it is fricking July. Spent much of spring working and listening to CDs, which I don't think helped, June was moody and here a lot. SO now where am I? I don't know. I think it helps me being here, but I have to wonder if it inhibits other interactions that I should also put effort into. Not that I don't love you all, but trying to be honest and find BALANCE. which I know weare all striving for. AAhhghhhh.....


                        Just checking to say hello

                        Cs Turn the bloody computer off and walk out on the porch we are always here you sweetest of hearts


                          Just checking to say hello

                          "I think he overestimates my loveliness" - thanks bandit so wonderfully expressed!!!!!!!! on behalf of all nice males on this planet can we come around to your place for a cup of tea please


                            Just checking to say hello

                            So glad to have you back Bella! Stick around!! What made you leave? (if you don't mind sharing)
                            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                            (from the Movie "Once")


                              Just checking to say hello

                              Maybe tell your husband that it is mostly women on this site.

