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Just checking to say hello

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    Just checking to say hello

    good to see you back on the board and doing your best..keep it going
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Just checking to say hello

      Hi Bella! Nice to see you back!

      My hubby is like that too. It is best that he does not know who I am here. My posts would be very guarded like they were in the beginning.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Just checking to say hello

        It is good to see you back, bella.

        I can understand you being 'put off' when you were here last.

        We have seen you go through H*ll and back concerning your kids and; not to mention yourself. You went through some God-awful scary times not to long ago.

        You should try to think of our posts during your last visit; were purely out of concern and care.

        No one has judged you. We all were concerned and wanted to help.


          Just checking to say hello

          hi bella i like what u rite,you have a husband tht likes to have control around him,as far as this place ,if it helps, u ,gees who cares what he thinks,i just got here in june and its a lot different than AA,id like to no what he would say if he tht u mite be one of them,and by the way there as normal as u and me,trust me my 40 almost year yung lady,you seem to be in the rt spot he should be proud of you gyco


            Just checking to say hello

            Very nice to meet you~
            I am grateful, at present , to be single as I appreciate the freedom to enter in here without any fears of privacy and such as I continue to tend to my personal matters at hand and keep on keeping on with my private battle with alcohol.

            I have such deep admiration for you Woman that have children as you have this horrid fight. Men as well. And those of you with a significant other that is a factor.
            As much as I long at times for someone to share all that I have within to share, I feel, I should just stay put as I piece together this puzzle.

            I can just make a "booty call" when need be (lol)

            Best wishes to you.

            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


              Just checking to say hello

              Hi Bella,

              Nice to hear from you. I hope you enjoy your free time in moderation. Look after yourself and your young ones.

              The sun is shining today, at last. :h Probably isnt as hot as where hubby is though.

              Keep strong.:l

              love Waves
              Enough is enough


                Just checking to say hello

                Hi Bella!!
                I have missed you.
                I'm so pleased that you have
                had this time alone time with your children.
                You have proven to yourself that..Yes I can do this
                and I am responsible. Enjoy the confidence
                that this experience has brought you. Take
                care and continue to grow.:lPan

