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    Just wanted to share this as some aspect of this site that have really helped me to understand the ?physical? side of this process.

    Basically, this woman started to investigate the physical aspect of alcoholism after her 18 year old son committed suicide when he had completed a 3 month stint in rehab. Everything seemed to be looking up for him and then ?. She struggled to understand what happened to him and this started her on this journey

    Two points that have really struck home are:-

    Depression ? coming off the ADs I have been supported by a herbalist and have been taking numerous supplements. I?m feeling almost normal ? whatever that is. The program I have been following is so similar to this and I am heartened to know that it is a legitimate tool to fighting this cycle.

    Hypoglycaemia ? I have been getting a physical craving for AL between 3-4pm. Strange as this has never been my drinking time. Rather than just surviving every minute of this ?itch? and waiting / hoping that it will pass, I am now eating. I can not begin to explain the difference!! Generally, I am having 5 small meals a day, but when the craving hits I will drop everything and eat (even if it?s just fruit & yoghurt). When this craving has gone, then I am free to live, even forgetting at times, AF.

    I truly hope that some can get a ?click? from this site. I don?t have the book & am not doing the program ? I just found some of this information very useful.

    Take care
    The mind is in its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

    John Milton


    That is the time I generally 'decide' I am going to drink that day - even if it's not 'til much later because I am at work or with someone.

    I have always tried to follow the little and often rule for eating - since trying to get over Bulimia as well as being an athlete turned bodybuilder. Small meals helps keep your energy levels up as well as encouraging good metabolism.

    Funny thing is I haven't been hungry or wanting to eat since my last binge - it makes me feel sick which is very unlike me. Usually can't do anything without my protein porridge and scrambled eggs in a morning.




      I find that I eat often. Even if it's just snacks (which I try to make healthy ones). That and hydration. It goes along with that HALT idea I think.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

