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Fly fishing

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    Fly fishing

    This isn't anything important but I am so excited I just had to post. I took fly fishing lessons today. I can't wait to get the equipment and actually start doing it. The guy told me I did okay (not great, my opinion) but okay. I really enjoyed it and I think it is such an art. I haven't quit smiling since I got home. I'm reading a book on the basics of fly fishing. I think it will be an extremely meditative sport to learn. My neighbors are going to think I lost it when they see me casting my line in my backyard over and over again to try and get down the technique. I am thrilled.

    Fly fishing

    Right On !!!!!
    I LOVE to fish too !!!
    I've not fly fished but would like to try it someday... It looks soooo graceful ( after a week or so of practicing casting out in the backyard that is... LOL )
    Enjoy your new hobby

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Fly fishing

      Dolph, I would love to come to Scotland and will check out prices. As for AF, no, I did have wine last night after I came home from working at the shelter.

      Niblet, I have done a lot of regular fishing which I love but my ex boyfriend (from years ago) always flyed fished. I would go and sit on the rocks and read a book. It always seemed so peaceful and serene that I decided this year my goal was to learn fly fishing. I think if you like fishing you would really enjoy fly fishing. The book I'm reading is "Fly Fishing Basics" by Dave Hughes. It is a very easy read. Here in the states they also offer women's courses called "Becoming an Outdoor Woman" which teach a lot of sports/skills such as fly fishing, archery, backpacking, etc. I am signing up for a course in September on fly fishing just to reinforce what I learned today.


        Fly fishing

        I have spent a while fly fishing in Scotland. My uncle, who considers any other form of fishing to be poaching, taught me a while ago.
        It is an art... and a science. You have to be aware of what species of fly the fish are feeding on, the weather conditions... so many things to think about.
        I just about masteredbasic casting; I nearly took my eye out on more than one occasion, but just listening to my aged uncles passion for the sport was great.
        Good luck to you and 'tight lines'.


          Fly fishing

          I fly fish. I love to fish in the mountain streams. The sounds, the smells, the peacefulness. The thrill of the perfect cast into the perfect spot and landing a beautiful fish. And the best part is that you totally check out from the mind's preocupation of work, problems, etc. When you flyfish, that is ALL you are doing. You must be completely in the moment. Everything else is cast aside for that time. It is a vacation for your mind body & soul.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Fly fishing

            cool Cuckoo!

            flyfishing drunk is very frustrating. LOL. don't even go there!

            one not-so-fine hungover morning I managed to slam the car door on my fly rod snapping it in half. haven't bought a replacement yet. that was about 6 years ago so perhaps I'll get another rod soon.

            Now if I could only remember the knots....hmmmmm.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Fly fishing

              Sometimes the flyshops can fix them. I have broken numerous tips - not on big fish though. Car doors will get them every time!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Fly fishing

                My Granddad was an amazing fly fisherman; he did it for so many years. I always wanted to try it, but I never have yet. I always think of "The River Runs Through It"...great fly fishing movie. I am excited for you as well...have fun!!


                  Fly fishing

                  Determinator, I have to admit I mentioned you in a pm when I talked to someone about fly fishing. A while back Hippie started a thread on religion and I believe it was you who said being out in nature was your church and that is what I think fly fishing will be to me. Just being out in nature, in a stream, with the sounds of the water rushing over the rocks, and me with my fly rod not caring if I catch a fish but just being. Greeneyes, you put into perfect words what I am looking for in learning to fly fish. Gia, thank you, I wish I could gain from the knowledge of some of the older people who really knew the art of fly fishing. The movie "The River Runs Through It" is a great movie. Popeye, the guy who taught me today also mentioned it is a science. He spoke about fishing in a place in Maryland and I won't get this right but he was using a fly that floated on the surface and nothing was biting. A guy near him was getting hit after hit. When he talked to the guy the guy was using a wet fly that sunk about an inch and that is what the fish were after. I think he called them emergers or nymphs. Not sure because I learned so much today but the gist of the story was the difference in the fish biting was an inch of where the fly was.


                    Fly fishing

                    My husband is a very good fly fisherman, ties his own flies, etc. We are fortunate to live on a flyfishing river, my freezer has seen lots of the bounty of his sport.

                    For many flyfishermen it is their church, it takes focus, quiet, and it is so peaceful watching the water fall over the rocks, only to be replaced by the eternal water flow.

                    Enjoy, it can be an obsession though, but a healthy one.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Fly fishing

                      CCN83 - We learned a bit of fly-fishing casting and knots for work. (yes, work!)
                      They put rings on the floor and had us attempt to cast right into the ring.
                      Very difficult. I got close, but no cigar.

                      Enjoy your church.
                      * * I love Determinator * *


                        Fly fishing

                        I think that's what it's all about really isn't it Cucks? Just being at one with nature. I'm always reminded of the analogy of surfers being spiritual wave riders where it's more than just about catching that good wave etc it's about being at one with the ocean. I'm right up there with Det too on the nature thing. It's very spiritual for me just being out in the woods or in the hills around beautiful scenery.

                        Have a lovely Sunday.
                        [ame= ]YouTube - Cocteau Twins- SucklingTheMender Ella Megalast Burls Forever[/ame]

                        Love and Happiness
                        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                          Fly fishing

                          Good for you!! In my neighborhood there is a guy that stands in one of the vacant lots and practices. I love to fish (ocean, deep sea, fresh water) but have never had the opportunity to fly fish. It seems like such a majestic, calming, and as you said "meditative" sport. Gabby.
                          Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

