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Adult tonsillectomy info?

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    Adult tonsillectomy info?

    Does anyone have anthing other than the scare stories on the internet about having tonsils out after childhood?

    Daughter's op tomorrow and now, so, so late, I discover from her that it very likely isn't going to be the 'brief period of discomfort' that the consultant suggested....

    And now I feel a 'bad mum' for not being 'ready' (got some soupy food in and the ice-cream - I know, in moderation!) or in any way prepared.....

    And I had no idea about the vomiting possibility and I am phobic about that....and I want to look after her fully... The websites say 40-75% do vomit....that seems high as the consultant never mentioned it.....?

    And that it can take weeks and weeks to be strong and well - she is having it now to be fit and well, both physically and vocally, for college in six weeks..... What do you know/think? The internet (experiencees' blogs) and hospital nurse vs the ENT consultant are totally differing in opinion seemingly!

    But she will be in more pain than I ever realised and, well, I'm being selfishly's out first 'family op'....hardly huge but...well, you know, our babies and all that!

    Anyways, any advice, good stories (!), or edited 'bad' ones with helpful hints greatly appreciated!

    Thanks so much.

    Love FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    Adult tonsillectomy info?

    FMS, tonsillectomies performed later in life are much harder to heal from, but if you follow physician orders, she will be fine. The problem most adult pts. face is that they do not allow proper healing time...they rush the process. Sounds to me like you are equipped with all the right stuff.
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


      Adult tonsillectomy info?

      Thanks B..... Hmmm, hope she'll give it time....bit of an active bod she is! Have to!

      I'm off to try and sleep - 1am now. Too much of this internet seaching - but what's up with me, I am 'horrified' by what I am reading, even down to all the nerve damage stories and never tasting again stuff plus 10 weeks and still not speakng/eating properly..... And here I am, numb. Denial, or knowing that, like you say, realisticially it happens every day and she wil be fine....? But I'm her mum: shouldn't I be really, really worrying? But it's just like my brain is on another layer...?

      Thanks all.
      I'll keep you posted.
      Love FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Adult tonsillectomy info?

        Sorry FMS.......don`t know anything about the op. Just wishing your daughter well for tomorrow.

        Darling x
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


          Adult tonsillectomy info?

          I had mine out at 23 and I was PG with my second child and didn't know it.
          I did ok.... Nobody told me I might not! I didn't throw up.... Go easy on the dairy products as she may have swallowed some blood while out... Lots of cool liquids like gingerale or Sprite with all the fizz shook out of it.
          Give her a hug and just make sure that she eats only soft food for a few weeks.
          And no sky diving!
          Love you
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Adult tonsillectomy info?


            I wish you and her the best! I wish I had a good story to share with you, but I had mine out at age 17 and none of us were prepared for what I went through following. I thought I would be eating ice cream and jello and miss a few days of school........NOT!!

            I missed three weeks of school and could not talk that entire time. I lost a ridiculous amount of weight because I was doing good to get 1/2 of a little carton of yoplait yogurt down a day.... it was excruciating to swallow anything. I had to point and write everything down. It was not fun. I think she will be okay by the time she goes to school though.... hopefully she will have a better time than I did! Just be prepared.

            Good luck!
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              Adult tonsillectomy info?

              FMS, I had mine taken out when I was 30. It was painful, but not scary. I was given a huge bottle of liquid codeine I used all of it, I did have my sister there to help with dosage and timing of. I did not throw up. I was very tender in my throat for at least a month but not so that I could not talk. It was mostly tender in not being able to swallow like I used to. My muscles in my throat had to relearn how to swallow because those big ol tonsils were not there to push the food down. Have her lie low and quiet as much as she can. I also was able to feel air at the back of my throat for the first time in my life, that was weird. I remember feeling pretty wiped out for a week and gradually got better. But not as bad or as long as some of the stories you may have heard. Watch out for constipation if she does get liquid codeine. And just general dehydration. Warm liquid jello felt good and was soothing to me. Nothing too hot.

              I do know that it was the best thing I ever did getting rid of those nasty things.

              Hope all goes well, let us know !

              It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                Adult tonsillectomy info?

                I hope you're sleeping like a baby. My son just had his tonsillectomy last Thursday--he is only 10. I'm not sure what your doctor will prescribe for pain, I wish I would have asked more questions in this area. Days 1 and 2 were ok, but on day 3 he started vomiting--only after the meds. They taste so bad--I kept thinking it was a gagging/psychological deal, so I tried disguising the stuff--nothing worked. I finally called (of course it was after hours) she told me to stop the pain meds. I'm just giving children's liquid tylenol right now, and it's helping. We were given meds for nausea--but they are oral also. I wish I would have asked for suppositories. I did ask about what to do if he couldn't keep anything down--and was told he probably would keep the anti-emetic down, which would enable him to keep the pain meds down. When I expressed my concern about the vomiting to the dr--he said unfortunately it goes with the territory.
                There were a couple of teens here that went through it earlier this year, and got along fine. I think it is key to not over do it. My son is not supposed to do anything except walking for 2 weeks. I wish I would have known all of this before the procedure.
                Yesterday my son was feeling so bad he wouldn't come out of his room. Today he is asking for chips and pickles!
                I was told it's a minor surgery, but a major recovery--I think that says alot. If you have any other questions I maybe can help with feel free to pm me.
                I'll be thinking of you guys!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  Adult tonsillectomy info?


                  My son had his out at 23. He was very sore for 2 weeks or so. He struggled to talk for a few days. There was no vomiting and he was told to eat normally. I was very surprised that he was not offered a follow-up appointment and I insisted he went to the docs to check it had healed properly. He suffered constant infections before the op. and hasn't had one since so he thinks the pain was worth it. I hope your daughter's experience is not too bad.

                  Enough is enough


                    Adult tonsillectomy info?

                    Thanks all - just an update.....All done and dusted... went well. And yes, sore but she has had few painkillers and they are very suprised! Eaten a soft meal, drinking lots of fluids, plus has had a wonderful gift/miracle - she is in a single bedded side room, sunny, quiet, posh, TV, loo opposite! (Huge deal to get all that normally in the UK!!!!!! Unless you pay loads!) So, having to stay in overnight after all due to late op wasn't a problem!!

                    The surgeon said the tonsils were 'heavily scarred and, basically, buggered!!' So a bigger wound than he hoped but definitely better out than in!!

                    The soup kitchen is now open at home with the ice-cream parlour round the back but she has to have dry toast tomorrow to start to clean the wound...............abrasive food is good they say.....eeeek!

                    Glad your son is better Waves, and LVT - thanks. Much appreciated! Hope your son is on the mend too!

                    I am really grateful for all your support. I just shouldn't have looked at the internet last night and panicked!!

                    Love FMS xx
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Adult tonsillectomy info?

                      I am glad it went well. Comfort with Mommy love and she will be fine.
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        Adult tonsillectomy info?

                        That's good it went well; I was young when I had mine out but I still remember how awful it was in my throat and such. I think it is just as bad older as younger; you just forget the pain as you get older.


                          Adult tonsillectomy info?

                          So glad it went well.
                          My son is to be on soft food diet for 2 weeks! Probably done with a different method. He is feeling much better today. Eating again! :h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            Adult tonsillectomy info?

                            [pre]I am really grateful for all your support. I just shouldn't have looked at the internet last night and panicked!![/pre]

                            Fms.... i think all mothers do this look on internet and then panic.....Im also glad that it all went well for your daughter and she back home.......fancy some of that ice cream myself.

                            Take Care

                            family is everything to me


                              Adult tonsillectomy info?

                              Glad that your daughter had an "easy" time of it. Mom love always helps !

                              It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.

