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Does anyone ever feel like this?

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    Does anyone ever feel like this?

    Today everyone at work (apart from me of course!) was boasting about how drunk they got on Friday / Saturday. Oh it gets me soooo frustrated and agitated... Feel like I want to shout at them! I know its probably the one or two nights they drink and I used to drink like that every day but.... AAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! One time I ended up saying how abuse of alcohol could cause cirrohsis and pancreatitis and went on like a right morbid cow... I know also deep down there's an aspect of me that's jealous because I wanna do that!!!
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

    Does anyone ever feel like this?

    rock on

    don't blame ya;.... bunch of nonsense talk if u ask me!
    just ignore them. tune it way out. there is nothing to be jealous about there my friend. u know it. i know it.
    u are way ahead of the game.
    i do everything possible to avoid upsetting myself. if i encounter talk that is inappropriate for "my delicate spirit" on goes the iPod. Into the ears... bye bye!!
    u probably can't do that at work... so take a break.. go for a walk, make a phone call... do something to drown out the conversation... or just casually start talking about something else. No point in gettin' upset over nothin'!

    wanna laugh? i started keeping track... i've been drinking around 15 cups of lemonade (crystal light) a day since I started this no AL thingie. not sure how that is going to go when i start work again in august. they're going to have build me a new bathroom! it's worth it.
    hang in.


      Does anyone ever feel like this?

      I can so relate to that scenario, but were does the fun begin the tragedy end. The other night my petal went out for a girls night out (she is a occasional drinker) and came home completely pie eyed at 1am! I was in bed completely sober…… anyway I am rudely awoken by this arm flopping over me and whacking me in the nuts enough to wake me up but not make me die!!! What the f! #$%K. Ok dearest delicate petal immediately passes out and I think ok need to get back to sleep. Then it starts. Am I a friggin ZOOkeeper and have wound up sleeping with Mrs Grisly. Shit now I know what poor women all over the world go through with loudly snoring husbands. So I put on my hypno cd (no head phones) seeking immediate relaxation .....Go deeeper GRRRRRRRRRRRRR go deeeper GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRI me thinking push the friggin grisly down the esculator and then dig a deeper hole and fill it in!!! I can’t do this so sneak in to daughter’s room and try and see if she will let me squeeze in. No friggin way a loud DADDY !!!!!!!!!!!! knee in the guts me fall out of the single bed on to the floor hitting my head on the chest of draws. I am completely fucked by this stage so last chance the uncomfortable couch in the lounge room. Put the heater on turn the light out and settle in..... the dog a staffie with the guts of a cast iron boiler jumps up at the end to sleep with me ok I think but then does this PUFF that was a absolute abomination I swear I have never smelt something so disgusting in my life like a thousand camels bottoms. By this time I am delirious and just give in an watch evangelical TV heads all night like one of the living dead. All because of the booze dam its miserable arse. I wont go into the morning after needless to say dear petal was calling RALPH on the porcelain telephone for most of the day. I did ask her if she had a good time surprise surprise she couldn’t remember. To answer the question NO I don’t feel like that anymore Vlad :H
      Latley my sober life is starting to be one prolonged tragic /disartous event I put it down to a vault full of bad Karma from my drinking days and Im prepared for the worst BUT if I get Whacked in the nuts one more time everthing is comming up for review except a return to my old ways not negotiable.
      Love Cap


        Does anyone ever feel like this?


        Sorry Captn--but that's funny right there!!

        Sometimes we think we are missing out on a fun time--but it's just not worth it! I told dh last evening I wasn't really planning on being AF forever, but I've gone long enough now, I'm afraid poisoning myself again would make me really sick--and that puts great fear in me! :H

        For now, I'll just stay home and drink my iced tea, thank you!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Does anyone ever feel like this?

          One i really didnt realise what a roar of a snore is like I should really book into a sleep apnea clinic but first Ill try one of those Plastic gizmos you stick up your nose and see what happens hope I dont inhale so hard i suck the thing down my throat and choke although I know there would be one happy person LOL
          Love cap


            Does anyone ever feel like this?

            :lol3:Oh my hat Cap!! Pick me up off the floor... I'm still rolling......
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Does anyone ever feel like this?

              Yes Cap, I got total visual contact, like a video playing in my head. Tears streaming down my cheeks. Wonder if I ever tortured poor Mr. Best, in bed like that, whilst drinking? He longs for torture, but of a different nature! :H

              Vlad, I am right along side of you. I observe others, with great interest now. Some times it is very upsetting because people's behavior becomes ugly. You can see it , predict it. In those situations, I have removed myself. Just can't do it, can't watch. Other times, it's quite entertaining. A real study. To watch people who consider themselves to be ladies and gentlemen. They start the evening perfectly dressed and groomed, behaving according to proper decorum. As the evening progresses, they become louder, their hair is a bit mussed, the lipstick is not replenished, their tummys are not held taughtly in place and are aloud to protrude back to their natural sag. People are much less coy about their passes. Breath odor develops, etc... Unchecked behaviour from a group that considers themselves "Proper" on a social level. I chuckle to myself. Be-mused by their antics. I am happy to be the one who leaves early, drive safely, and sleeps well - for the first time in many years.

              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                Does anyone ever feel like this?

                Good stories, because of "not good times ! " . I am still new at this and wonder how I will react to my family mostly. I did go to a BBQ where people were drinking it was amazing how just one or two drinks made them seem different, or was it just me because I was being af?

                I had my first drinking dream last night. Having gin w/ a splash of tonic, my first favorite al that I hadn't had in years. Because if you give your fav up and switch to something then you really don't have a prob right? Anyway ex hub was in dream, one of my bosses, suntanning club very pinko bizarre. I was upset in the dream for not getting to 30 Af. But I must have kept drinking because when I woke up this morning I could tell I had been snoring heavily the back of my throat and where my tonsils used to be got a work out. Moral of the story even if you dont drink you can still snore like you do, only you feel great when you wake-up. Now to just find someone to share the snoring with hmmm...

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  Does anyone ever feel like this?

                  Oh, Day 24 for me!

                  It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                    Does anyone ever feel like this?

                    "push the friggin grisly down the esculator"...I'm dyin...I'm me...hahahahaaaa...

                    *phew!* ah. okay, then. I was gonna say, before Cap distracted me (hehe), let them have it. I am so ashamed of the way I acted when I was drunk all those many, many, many, many nights. I feel like I trashed anything about me that was smart, beautiful, interesting, creative, unique, worthwhile, and just became another boring, loud, obnoxious, drunk with smeared make-up tripping all over her high heels. Oh, man, and it was probably worse once I decided that I would only drink at home alone. Thank God my animals never videotaped me and pulled an intervention on me. I would have melted from embarrassement and humiliation. Seriously, once you're past college age, does anyone really want to hear your drunken stories any more? (Unless they're on the "you know you're an alcoholic thread" on here, of course!!)


                      Does anyone ever feel like this?

                      Omg!! I haven't had a laugh like that in a long time, Cap! Thanks for sharing... The dog smelling up the room... I'm still laughing... Just when I start wondering the same thing as Vlad - just when I start doubting if AF is worth it because it's been quite an adjustment, I read this thread and I am SURE that staying AF is worth it... I remember (sorta) being a person that makes a fool of themselves and keeps my BF awake snoring like a wild hog (or so I was told). Don't want to go back there. I enjoy being entertained by the others!

                      I continue to be sooooo grateful for the people here at MWO... Thank you for making me laugh and reminding me of why I am at Day 24 AF!!!
                      God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                        Does anyone ever feel like this?

                        You guys have completely cracked me up. It's funny now that I am doing my best to be AF, the billboards for AL are BIGGER, the commercials are LOUDER, people seem to talk about it all the time at work...nah, it's just me being super sensitive. I am sure this will pass.

                        CAP - my dog was incredibly "frangrant" last night after eating a whole barbequed chicken off the cutting board last night. Middle of the night he cut one that almost made my eyes bleed...opened the windows only to have a hot breeze blow in and make it feel like a damn dutch oven. Even worse than Mr. KCBE after too many PBR'
                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          Does anyone ever feel like this?

                          It's funny but by the end of my drinking career I had gone from wanting to go out all the time to isolating in the basement (cause I couldn't do any SERIOUS drinking out with the coworkers)! I supposed I still wish I could go out with them, but I've accepted the fact that I can never drink again...

                          If there's any doubt as to the bad things that drinking does to our innards, my claim to fame in our household is that my son threw up after getting a whiff of, um, 'smelly stuff' after a heavy weekend of drinking. Course, not that they smell like daisy's since I stopped drinking but we'll leave that one alone.
                          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                            Does anyone ever feel like this?

                            One of my friends related a story to me the other day. She ended up at the bar after a wedding with a bunch of "kids". For some reason she decided she could drink shots with them. Another friend took her home, she said she wasn't in the house more than 2 minutes and puked all over her bathroom! Mind you she's not near the drinker I was! She had to finish cleaning up her mess the next morning.:H Damn, I'm sure sorry I missed THAT party!!

                            I've known for a really long time that I don't like to be around drunk people unless I'm one of them!:H:H:H
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              Does anyone ever feel like this?

                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss

