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those little moments

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    those little moments

    I hate a sense of despair..... I was thinking of a post greenie made once about how she had a little dance with a kid in a super market or something or may be when she was visting her dad in hospital or something sorry mate if Ive got it wrong. Today i was at the super market getting some small things and my dear daughter said daddy can we go into that check out I said why?? she said because thats Julia shes deaf and shes the one in the paper. Apparently this girl is deaf and has been employed by the local supermarket chain to prove a point she has been in the local paper and has a sign out front of her check out that makes customers aware she is deaf. We have a good freind who teaches sign language and interprets in court situations and she told us that some people get really annoyed when they get in her que and see the sign saying that you are about to be served by a deaf person. Some have stormed off in a huff at the slower time it takes!!!!! My daughter thinks shes wonderful...... kids are teaching us things every day aren't they the most wonderful treasure!!!!!

    those little moments

    Totally agree with you.
    Kids see the best of everything - they see no boundaries and question everything. They question things that we just accept because it is the 'norm'.
    Today I should be getting some work done but it is a beautiful day here in Ireland (by our standards that just means that it is not lashing raining) and I am going to have a kid day, go to the playground with my two plus a neighbour's two, then make them their favourite dinner, watch a movie with them etc. etc. - I'll get the work done some other time even if I have to get up during the night to do it.
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      those little moments


      Your story made my day. Give your daughter a big hug, she deserves it.

      AF April 9, 2016


        those little moments

        Shall do Cindi..... by the way been thinking about you often how are you going??????...... lenair soon?????? I so hope you find the release from this demon AL forever you are one person that so deserves not to be tormented by this prick such a wonderful person as you. You are always in my thoughts Cindi I wish my daughter could give you a BIG hug.
        Love cap


          those little moments

          You did too one
          love cap MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM should listen to little irish lassies more often


            those little moments

            Hugs are good!

            Captn - give your daughter a hug from me too, hugs are good and we don't hug each other often enough
            Cindi - I am very interested in the whole Lenair concept - googled it the other day to find out more about it. Really hope it goes well for you, let us know how it goes. Will be thinking of you on August 1st
            One2Many - I'm in Meath so does that mean the rain is on the way??, right better leg it to the playground soon!
            Best Wishes,
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              those little moments

              you have an awesome kid there captn.. you are doing a great job buddy..
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                those little moments

                Yep, you were right about the rain - just started as we were walking up - bit of a wash out - ended up going to the shops instead and now am back home about to make choc chip cookies with them!
                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                  those little moments

                  Hey Mr T that drummer of yours is a bloody awesome kid.... you are a great father.


                    those little moments

                    That is awesome !! thanks for sharing

                    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                      those little moments


                      Thank you. I feel the same about everyone else here. We all deserve to be free of AL. AL destroys lives and not just those of us who have the problem.

                      I go to Lenair Aug 1st.

                      I am scared. Really really scared because it does seem to wooey, but I have talked to so many it worked for.

                      I guess I just have to stay optimistic.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        those little moments

                        Cap - this just goes to show you what a great dad you are. Your beautiful daughter is growing up to be compassionate and loving. That post brought a wonderful smile to my face! Thanks !
                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          those little moments

                          cindi;368903 wrote: Cap,

                          Thank you. I feel the same about everyone else here. We all deserve to be free of AL. AL destroys lives and not just those of us who have the problem.

                          I go to Lenair Aug 1st.

                          I am scared. Really really scared because it does seem to wooey, but I have talked to so many it worked for.

                          I guess I just have to stay optimistic.

                          Cindi - I know I am a newbie, but I have read so many of your posts. You can totally do this. You have taught me alot and I thanks you. Positive thoughts coming your way!
                          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                            those little moments

                            Cindi its gonna work Im actually believing it Luv and Greenie Lori, Boots best and others are proof!!!!! I am the ignorant one Cindi its gonna work for you and your daughter i dont believe in god but i believe in you!!!!
                            Love cap


                              those little moments

                              Aaahh. How sweet. I just posted a desperate post about my whole situation and then I read yours.

                              You know, Cap, you may not believe in God, but I bet God believes in you. You have a wonderful daughter that proves it.

                              Please don't take this the wrong way. I am not pushing religion on you but if there is a God (I think there is) She believes in you and me.

                              If not, it doesn't matter. There is GOOD in this world. You prove it and your daughter proves it.

                              Good IS God.

                              AF April 9, 2016

