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An Angel Prayer

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    An Angel Prayer

    May the angels keep you till morning.
    May they guide you through the night.
    May they comfort all your sorrows.
    May they help you win the fight.

    May they keep watch on your soul.
    May they show you better ways.
    May they guard you while you're sleeping.
    May they see you through your days.

    May they show you new hopes.
    May they still your every doubt.
    May they calm your every fear.
    May they hear you when you shout.

    May the angels keep you till morning.
    More than this I cannot pray.
    And if the angels ever fail you.
    Then may God be there that day.

    Author Unknown- Submitted By: Rhonda E.

    Send Angels To All Your Friends,
    Reminding Them That They Are Always Being Watched!

    peace ,love and god bless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

    An Angel Prayer

    Funny how us lapsed catholics just dont see anything anymore what did those men of god do to us. Shame really Jesus was such a switched on guy I always believed he would have stopped it . Sorry I was bought up in a de la sal boarding school God or Jesus never helped me as these assholes brothers crept in when lights went out ones in jail which helps the healing. Im still religious DAM them to hell I say they pretty much destroyed me . sorry


      An Angel Prayer

      Hi T,
      Nice post - I would love to feel that there is a higher being out there looking out for me although I struggle at times to believe this.
      I am Catholic too - can't even really say lapsed as I never really began - brought up in it though - baptized, communion, confirmed (where I took the oath of pioneer and no drinking) and married in a church, both my children baptized. I don't go to mass now but feeling like I should bring my daughter as she, attending a primary school here in Ireland, will be heading into communion soon, I think I want her to have the choice at least although it does nothing for me. Christian outlook is enough for me
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        An Angel Prayer

        Bandit bless your daughters heart, does she talk about god and Jesus and stuff with you?????? Just interested because although I send Lucy to a secular school she still asks all those questions
        Love Cap


          An Angel Prayer

          i know what you both mean captn and bandit.. it took me a very very long time to believe in something, anything and still im really not that religious and the best thing is that there is hope .. that i do believe in and there is something higher then myself and because i wouldnt have woke up that day if there wasnt something watching over me
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            An Angel Prayer

            Yes my daughter does talk about Jesus and God but I think a lot of it is coming from her talking and listening in school where Religious Instruction is part of the curriculum. I am going to start going to mass with her this Sunday for a number of reasons - I don't want her to feel left out as most of her classmates go, Sunday mass is still a big social event here, it would be nice for me and her to spend an hour or two together on our own and I think it would be good for me and her to start talking about it.
            I think I believe in a higher being, not sure what form it takes -a lot of people refer to God as a he or her, I'm not sure if it is that simple, a force of some kind but not sure what, but I do believe that someone/something has stopped what could have been potentially life threatening situations for me and is rooting for me on some level.
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              An Angel Prayer

              Thanks bandit beautifully put i love the Irish Sunday is such a great day my daughter and me go down on the fore shore of Hobsons bay were there is this large stone with a steel printed message she always asks me to read it to her and it basically says ( part of it is in Galeic) that this place was the landing place for the Irish who had the courage to escape from the great starvation ( potato famine) and sailed to a strange but new land with hope and longing for a better life.
              i love the Irish what a brave and enduring race they are every one talks about the Jews who are the same brave souls we all forget the trial of the irish why do we forget the trials of the ire

