Having a bad night so... Just signed on and went to "Chat" for some desperate support.... no one there. So... I will check back later and, hopefully, find some old friends there.
My "boys" (husband/son) are away camping... daughter has a sleepover tomorrow and, now, tonight also.
I LOVE (live for?) these kinds of weekends.... at home, ALONE. But the first thing I do is drink 2-3 bottles of wine.... UGHGH! (Let me clarify.... 2-3 bottles per NIGHT, not the whole weekend.... I know... really, really BAD.)
I think there is something terribly wrong that something I like best is: Husband/Children AWAY, unlimited wine (which I can get), favorite food (Chinese or a bunch of Crab Legs) sitting at the TV watching frickin' reality TV. Total BONUS is if I can do all of the above while laying in BED... I AM A TOTAL LOSER!!
I don't need to be told.... the above/my attitude on life is totally PATHETIC!!
But.... how do I reconcile who I AM - "Want to sit at home alone (with my wine) watching stupid TV... "
who I WANT TO BE - "Active mom - going to parks and hosting sleepovers, attending social events with friends, "date nights" with my husband".
Forward 2-3 hours....
Okay, had to check out for a few minutes...
I started writing this post... then, there was homework... then there were kids's showers... then "can I sleepover at so-and-so's house".... and then can you do "this and this and this...."
Not going to "over-analyze" everything I've written... If you reply...GREAT!! If I was completley incoherent in my writing and you just want to ignore me.... I understand.
Just wanted to check in and say.... geez, this is tough. Just me venting I guess...
Thanks for listening.... if you made it this far.
Miss C