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H. A. L. T.

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    H. A. L. T.

    Somthin i lerned in treatment,the place was Homemwood Ont. hungry,angry,lonely,tired these are some of the symtons we xperience when we want to drink,hopefully some of you fine people can add or just comment,this ismy new home,and you folks are great,gyco maybe this the way ,Sharing our Thankfullness gyco

    H. A. L. T.

    Thanks Gyco I like your posts you have been there and back thanks for sharing your experience The H.A.L.T thought has been mentioned but thank you for the reminder


      H. A. L. T.

      Hi Gyco,

      Yes, I think I am experiencing all of those symptoms at the moment especially the tiredness. Just cannot get to sleep until the early hours of the morning and then still have to get up early, finding it hard to function during the day.
      Glad to hear that you think of this place as your new home.
      Best Wishes,
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        H. A. L. T.

        Gyco, this is REALLY an important point.

        One of the aspects of AA that has received much support in research probably seems a bit like a no-brainer when we think about it: people relapse most often just after they have experienced some sort of stressor, even something very simple and ordinary, SUCH AS: being hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (H.A.L.T.).

        The most recent example of this support from research comes from neuroscience, and it demonstrates that all humans (not just people with addiction or dependence or habitual drinking) give in to ANY kind of temptation (that is, we have more difficulty exercising self-control) when our blood sugar levels are low. And decision-making, and exercising self-control, cause a drop in blood sugar, just like any other kind of (physical) exertion! So if our major stumbling block and temptation is alcohol, we have to be especially careful when we are vulnerable, when we have experienced triggers and stressors, and even when we just have not eaten for a while... because our brains are, at those times, simply less capable of refraining from, or avoiding, temptation.



          H. A. L. T.

          Bandit I find melotonin works wonders for my sleep or Valerian I know these things can be pricey but I find them worth it for the sleep. I was and am a completely crap sleeper even before I began to drink I know how draining this can be I wish you all the best.
          love Cap


            H. A. L. T.

            Bandit, I have difficulty getting to sleep as well when I've been AF.... but taking 2 Valerians and 1 Melatonin after a cup of Camomille tea seems to do the trick for me.
            One of my triggers is having something good happen to me ... if I'm happy, I want to "celebrate" .... guess because I'm on anti-depressants, so I don't have the "happy" feelings all the time. I'll have to vigilant and find another way to "celebrate".


              H. A. L. T.

              Wow Gyco. I have never heard that one before. Talk about hitting you with a ton of bricks. It really has me thinking. Thanks so much for sharing that.

              Miso :heart:


                H. A. L. T.

                ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Could it be Hungry, Angry, Lonely & TERRIFIED!!! My boss just drove me back from Manchester at 120mph in his Bentley! Certainly the incentive for a half pint of vodka!!!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  H. A. L. T.


                  Thanks for putting this out there. I learned early in this program that HUNGRY was a big one for me--and what Works said really makes sense for me anyway. I find if I get that "craving" I can eat something or drink something (AF of course) it goes away.
                  ANGRY is another biggie for me.

                  Being aware of these things really helps me!

                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

