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Feeling hopeless

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    Feeling hopeless

    I don't think I've ever felt this low. I can't continue this way, I feel like I'll never be able to conquer this drinking problem. I joined MWO in March 08 and although I've experienced AF days it seems like I'm just getting worse. I'm planning on going to an AA meeting today and I have an appointment with a naturopathic Dr.this week. I'm praying that I get better so that I can enjoy the life that God intended for me. :upset:
    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

    Feeling hopeless

    Oh Hopeless I know how you feel. I was there myself. Years of trying and years of failing. I wanted out of the hole I had put myself in sooo bad I put myself in detox. That was before I found MWO.

    Do what ever you have to do. AA, Doctors. Talk to everyone here, day or night!!! We are here and I have faith that you will find something that works for YOU!


    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    AF Since December 2006


      Feeling hopeless

      Come to the NE meet this week-end!! Its in Boston. We will cheer you up!! :l


        Feeling hopeless

        Do what you need to do, if it is an AA meeting go for it! We've all been there and know that hopeless feeling. Sending strength your way, hang in there!


          Feeling hopeless

          thank you for the words of encoragement. Jules thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, it makes feel better already to know that you and pepper a sending strength my way. Ripple, wish i could but I have to work where are you meeting? I don't really like AA but I fee like I need to do something today because i'm afraid I'll just go home and drink.
          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


            Feeling hopeless

            Dear One more don' t give up.... that... '"I'm never going to be able to do this thought" is an absoulute lie. See it for what it is a bunch of crap you need sleep and regain your strength for the fight when your mind is clear and on your side thoughts like this one belong in the toilet rest and wake up strong and determined to beat this affliction. Today take a long walk with the MP3 player what ever you got and turn the mother up loud with your favourite songs and keep active and walking I gaurantee come home tired and you will have NO thoughts of drink you can do this do it!!!!
            Love always cap


              Feeling hopeless

              So many of us have been exactly where you are. You need to do whatever it takes to beat this. You know that you can no longer continue on this path. We will be here for you every step of the way, but you must fight. Continue to come here, read, post, go to AA. Use all the toos you can, but do not give up.


                Feeling hopeless

                Honey, I think we've all been there. I never thought I would ever get out, never saw it happening. It can and it will for you, I believe it. Hang on like hell, and don't give up!


                  Feeling hopeless

                  It sounds quite trite, I know, but I read Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking". The entire way through, I thought it was stupid. But I haven't had a drink since I finished the book last week and the thought of one sickens me. No withdrawal either. Before when I'd go AF for an evening, I'd sweat all night. Now there is nothing. It's a frame of mind, I guess. I didn't believe all the way through the reading, but for some reason I don't want to drink - at least for now. I feel so good, healthy that I keep that thought at the front. And remember the sick feelings sometimes when working out in the morning would be so hard and I"d be so fuzzy in the head! If I can do it, you can too. You'll find your way, it just takes finding the way.


                    Feeling hopeless

                    You Can Do This!!! I felt just like you do. I knew I had to stop, but didn't think I could this time. I had to withdraw with help from my doctor. I had to have medication for the first couple of weeks. Now 25 days AF and no more meds. I am going to the Northeast meet up. I am sooo psyched. I am sorry that u can't make it. We are meeting in Boston, but have not decided exactly where yet, that I know of. I am using MWO, but not taking Topa, just vitamins and supps. I really want to buy the hypnotherapy CDs, but am financially strapped at the moment. I will buy them as soon as I can. I am giving my All to this fight for my life. I know that I would surely die a long, agonizing death, if I did not stop. Try to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones. I have used a book in the past to help with negative thoughts. It uses Rational-emotive therapy. I will find out the name of the book for you. I lent it to someone a long time ago, who was dealing with depression, and never got it back. It takes work, but not as much work as chasing the booze, and so worth it. I wish you well. Please keep us updated.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Feeling hopeless

                      Sending you lots of love and encouragement xxx We are all here for you and know exactly how you are feeling right now... On your way home why not grab a nice big ice-cream cone???? No alcohol in the world tastes good after that frosty treat !!!! All the best xxx

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        Feeling hopeless

                        Sending you lots of support and hugs, and prayers.
                        Never give up!

                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                          Feeling hopeless

                          1morechance, I am sorry that you are feeling so low. But you are posting here and you have made an appt. w/ a nat. Dr.! So even though you are feeling low you are doing positive things about it! yeah you! Can you print the info about mwo to take with you? Do you have the book you could take? Or how about some info on kudz or topa. It may help if you "arm" yourself this week to get ready to go to the Dr. more positive baby steps that will help to remind yourself that you are worth it. Drink lots of water with lemon. Being AF is where you need to get.

                          It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                            Feeling hopeless

                            What you are trying to do is very hard; it's not an over night success, it's an everyday battle filled with lots of emotional rollercoasters. It's so easy to be pulled down into it, that it happens in such a way you don't even realize it. Know that you are not alone, and you have to do what is right for you and to make yourself happy.


                              Feeling hopeless

                              thanks for all the support, i feel better and I can wait to go to the dr.
                              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

