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August- Come One, Come All

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    August- Come One, Come All

    Just for you WIP!

    Everyone have a great Friday. Plan ahead for what you will drink during those tempting times!! I know I have!! No more falling down for this penguin. It is NOT worth it to me anymore. No fox is taking away my sobreity...
    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


      August- Come One, Come All

      Hi Nurse!!

      Maybe if you come back and read the post you just wrote about feeling bad it will be a reminder...
      Like you have told me (time and time again!) WE CAN DO THIS - YOU CAN do this.... Check in as much as possible this weekend... I know the lonliness can be a trigger for you - me too.... You're not alone here... I will check in frequently for you. Maybe we can meet in chat.... Stay strong..
      God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


        August- Come One, Come All

        HA!! Thanks Spirit!! I love it!!

        Nurse: we just have to learn these things for ourselves and hope not to incur TOO much damage in the learning. In early recovery/sobriety, it is simply foolish to expect to spend time around the people and places where you are accustomed to drinking, without engaging in the exact same behavior you are accustomed to... This business really requires some difficult choices, and doing things differently...

        best wishes,



          August- Come One, Come All

          Good luck Nurse, I know how hard it is, especially in the medical profession.
          All my colleagues drink heavily, but unlike me they don't have a problem.


            August- Come One, Come All

            Come on Penquins!

            Now, breathe with the good thoughts........ and ...................OUT WITH THE BAD!

            Shoulders back, lift your wings and flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... don't let the fox get you!!!!

            08/08/8 what an awesome day to be AF!


            P.S It has taken me over an hour to post this - can't wait for things to go back to normal:H
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              August- Come One, Come All

              hi there hope all is well .. time to get your feet moving .. your eyes open and lets dance the penguin dance .. lol

              and lets share some group lovein

              we can do this ..stay strong and think positive
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                August- Come One, Come All

                Yikes! I caved yesterday pm. The allure of a glass of wine on the patio, on a perfect summer day, is strong. Especially if I'm a little tired, nothing I HAVE to get done. I had 2 glasses.

                I did make it 2 weeks AF, so I give myself credit for that and for getting alcohol back under control.

                My hope continues to be that I learn how to be an occasional moderate drinker. Onward and forward in a new AF day. I have come a lomg way since joining here.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  August- Come One, Come All

                  Well done on your 2 weeks Sunbeam.... come on jump aboard today!!!
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    August- Come One, Come All

                    Hope everyone had a happy Friday... I know the weekends get slow around here, but I am going to be checking in for Peguin support (to give or receive)... I had another wonderfully AF day.

                    Tomorrow morning will feel great...(except the laundry waiting for me:bat)...
                    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                      August- Come One, Come All

                      Am a little weebly here , but, not quite as wobbly.

                      Have spent much time listening, studying, taking notes to continue to address this nightmare. Appling, as well, remedies on all levels to try to save my life. Very scary , physically, at times. It gets too closer and closer to call as each binge ravishes my body.

                      I felt tired in spirit from posting under it's spell and then as I re traced the way my brain expressed in , at times, with not the best clarity, I felt sorrow.
                      Because I want my life's song to be heard. I long to experience self respect again.
                      I am just as isolated, yet, I have 4 days , total, thus far which is a miracle for me. It is the norm, that if I attempt and fail, that is all she wrote.
                      Not this time; began anew, fell away from the pack, lost in a blizzard and then wobbled my way back, and instantly, settled in, yet feeling so close to being done with it all.

                      Spiritually, I experience a major shift when I am "in my own way", with my own essence and not "its" rude interpretation .

                      Mentally, I hope I am not as bizarre as I fear I appear.
                      I have attempted chat, but, never in my own way, without "it" having me bound, and something may be said, or not said, or I may be asked something and if I can't respond in a manner that I pray to be as normal as understandable~ I flee in an instant.

                      I like being unique, as you are all so amazingly and obviously are.
                      You, from all areas of this planet, meet me right where it counts.

                      At present, burrowing back into the center of the pack if I may for I hope in time and when strength continues to build alongside courage, I vow to take watch over those relentless foxes.

                      Would like to share a treasured moment last evening dining out with "family" at an Oriental restaurant: I made a valued choice to sip the unique hot tea as they had their drinks. I honored my self, in that decision, so I could experience the whole presentation of the food being prepared in this manner and all the amazing flavors , textures and aromas. Everything was delicious, even what I saw with my clear eyes, was overwhelming, because I truly saw what was taking place on many levels.
                      I mattered in that moment in a way that caused my whole being to just soar and feel some dignity.

                      I might struggle within at times to remain here because of my own shyness.
                      I am learning how to process and then express the magnitude of what is within my heart and soul.

                      I treasure all of you.

                      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                        August- Come One, Come All


                        Thankyou for posting...4 days that is wonderful. Your treasured moment sounds wonderful, would love to be able to share a meal like that with you. The way you wrote it did give me a wonderful sense of it though, you are truly gifted that way.

                        Always glad to "see" you and "hear" on the threads or in chat, in whatever manner you choose to be there.


                        It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                          August- Come One, Come All


                          I enjoy your unique style of expression... Thank you for checking in with us.. I agree, it is wonderful to have experiences "through clear eyes" - free of the cloudiness of AL. I am glad that you enjoyed your dinner out with family without the burden of the fox on your back...

                          Jump in the middle, if need be.... Although 4 days is great... I hope you have a successful weekend..
                          God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                            August- Come One, Come All


                            What a beautiful post! It was a great way to start my Saturday as later I have some old EX drinking friends who are coming around for dinner and it will definetly test me.... I will remember your post if I become anxious or temped and just sit back and enjoy the meal and company.

                            I love the way you write, you put your thoughts, feelings and advice on the board in such an unique way
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              August- Come One, Come All


                              Me, too.

                              TheMe2be expresses herself so beautifully.


                              Thank you TheMe2Be. You are a treasure never to be lost of forgotten.

                              AF April 9, 2016


                                August- Come One, Come All

                                Thank you Theme2be. That was so very heartfelt and touching. :l
                                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

