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Has anybody felt like me?

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    Has anybody felt like me?

    Hi everbody,

    Haven't checked in for a while. Been moderating during July and have more than halved my alcohol intake which is good because it brings me within acceptable limits but the bad news is that it has confused me more than ever. I still feel guilty in the morning. I felt better, looked better, was lighter and was generally better company when I wasn't drinking. I genuinely don't know what I want and so I have decided to go AF for another 30 days to see just what I am thinking because at the moment I just don't know . . . . . anyway hope everybody is well . . . . .?? Looking forward to some inner peace for a while . . . . .:thanks:

    Short term goal 7 days AF

    Has anybody felt like me?

    Yeah, I know what you mean. To moderate isn't quitting so the guilt would still be there for me. I want to be clear-headed and energetic so that means no alcohol! I just feel better physically and emotionally if I don't drink, and sometimes I have to remind myself of that at happy hour time which is usually (or was) about 5:30.


      Has anybody felt like me?

      same here

      I feel so much better AF than when I am trying to moderate(which I never or seldom seem to do successfully anymore!)

      You are doing the right thing, think things through while AF and see where you stand, you will make the right decision.....................

      lots of love,:l:h:l:h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Has anybody felt like me?

        I think going the 30 days is a great idea. I am trying to moderate now, and honestly I feel very confused about the whole would think cutting back would help, but until that fog lifts it's nothing but me running around in circles, even the simplest of things sometimes are beyond my grasp.


          Has anybody felt like me?

          I have felt great confusion since starting the program, but it's all my own fault. I didn't read the book right to the end just ended at the suppliments page and headed off to the shops in great excitment to buy my supplys ops!:

          So when I started all I wanted was to cut right back which I have done sucessfully, in fact my initial goal was to limit myself to two glasses of wine a day - mg!! I think if I hadn't stayed on this site religiously and therefore learnt daily I (and hubby) would be quite happy with what I have achieved so far and the odd slip that I have had. By the way the slips that I have had haven't been groesome either... funny how my definition has also changed, before it would be a 5lt wine would've been a bender now it's 6 glasses of wine.

          Sorry to ramble but yes I understand what how you feel... i want to now go AF but to put it bluntly I am shit scared and I have run out of Topa and my supps and not sure if finances will permit me to replinish this month so I don't want to do it with out my "crutches" because I am a believer in the program and don't want to duff it.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Has anybody felt like me?

            Hi Patricia!!

            I'm so glad you started this thread! I did 30 days in June, kept going in July because I felt so good. I haven't committed to any length of time just taking it ODAT. The occasion hasn't really arisen for me to want to drink, and I don't crave it generally. But I don't want to feel the way you describe it either. Maybe it IS my time to just be AF forever???
            I know I'm not going to waste my energy worrying about it, but I'm gathering all the advice, experience and knowledge I can. We have a family wedding coming up on hubby's side--and they are big drinkers/smokers. It will be a test if I choose for it to be.
            Anyway, I feel I'm rambling. Thanks so much for sharing today! :h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Has anybody felt like me?

              I see people out drinking and I sometimes get nostalgic for the old days. The thing is, for the last several years I never, ever drank because I enjoyed the simple taste of a drink or two. I was always out to get drunk, and even when I was able to stop at a couple the thought of having more was always on my mind.

              I can say with 100% certainty that if I started up again, my alcoholic mind would want to take me back to where I was, and it would bug me and bug me until it got me there (the great obsession - being able to drink like everyone else).

              Everyone has there one decision to make on this one, but a period of full sobriety sounds like it would go a long way in helping you make yours.
              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                Has anybody felt like me?

                Patricia, I tried and failed to moderate for about a year. I found after I went 30 AF my thoughts became clearer, mood improved and my reasoning/coping skills improved. I have heard if you have been drinking heavily for awhile as I had it takes at least 30 days for your body and mind to return to normal. I have also heard at least 60 days. I do find when I have a few too many drinks when I have slipped the old quilt and bad feelings resurface. I have come to the conclusion that some of us are just not wired to handle alcohol. So, AF for me to keep my head and body straight. Best to you.


                  Has anybody felt like me?

                  Hi everybody,

                  Thanks for this - you are all right in what you say - especially the 'some people aren't wired for drinking' - I think I'm probably one of these people but I can also relate to the person who, when drinking, always thinks of more. Dolphin, I've thought of you many times - will PM you when my mind is a bit clearer - I think I'm just a bit down at the moment and will feel a bit better when I stop feeling sorry for myself - we're a strange bunch who, when the clear way shines through, choose to take the hard way. Love and best wishes to you all and thank you so much for responding.

                  Short term goal 7 days AF

