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A broken heart AGAIN

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    A broken heart AGAIN

    Hi everyone.

    We lost our little 6 year old Weinee dog this past March. My 10 year old son who has selective mutisim was so upset, we bought him a new one same color etc. the very next day. We were all happy once again. The new little puppy just 6 months old died last night of cardiac arrest. He was hospitalized for pneumonia, which I have no idea how he got. He was a happy, chipper puppy in the morning, by afternoon he was terribly sick. I feel I am being punished perhaps for all the pain I may have caused on one of my drunken stupers. I tried nursing him back to health day and night for a week. Needless to say, I lost my job over it as well.

    Anyway. I'm not looking for any sympathy, I just know a lot of you are dog lovers I am. I don't feel bad for me as much as my poor innocent son.

    Thanks for listening.
    :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
    AF since 10/11/2008

    A broken heart AGAIN

    What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.... At least I HOPE so.... Something good has to come out of all this. It has to.... The next puppy you have will be the BEST dog ever - you won't be able to imagine your life without him.

    I lost 2 dogs last year. One was my son's birthday gift. We were hurried to get to school and my son had to get something out of my 2nd car and didn't realize his dog had jumped in the car. We rushed off to school. It was 100 degrees that day - the dog was in the car for 7 hours. My son found him on the floor of the drivers seat. I will never forget the look on my son's face. He blamed himself for "killing" his own dog until I told him that I had come home and got something out of the car too and that it was probably my fault. (A little white lie for the sake of my child..) HOWEVER - we have a new dog - "Spencer" and he is my son's best buddy!! A beautiful black cocker spaniel with the BEST personality. We love him and cannot imagine not having him in our family. He didn't replace "Reggie" but he has filled the hole in our hearts with lots of puppy love.... My children learned that we can make it thorugh anything as a family...

    You are not being punished... Do not put that burden on yourself. The GUILT from the drunken stupors is punishment enough....

    ((Best wishes))
    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


      A broken heart AGAIN

      oh how I feel your pain ... I've had a number of dogs ... from little Shitzu to a Great Dane... they are part of your family and it's so heatbreaking when they go into distress and even more so when they pass on. It's so unfortunate that we can't tell always when our pet is in distress --- they do everything they can to mask their pain, which makes it even harder to bear. Take comfort in the fact that you did everything you could for the little one. Puppy Mills are to blame for a lot of these deaths .... there are a lot of sick little ones being sold because of how they are given a start in life ... and no matter what loving care we provide the damage is already done. If you bought your pup from a reputable breeder, they would want to know what happened.

      My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


        A broken heart AGAIN

        Gosh Spirit, your story was heart wrenching. Thank you for sharing. I just feel like someone put a sword through my heart. Thank you all for your kind words. Last March when I lost one, I went straight for the bottle. This time I came here. At least no regrets tonight.
        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
        AF since 10/11/2008


          A broken heart AGAIN

          Michaela, you are not being punished. Sometimes these things just happen. Please do not blame yourself. Congrats, on staying sober!!

          xxx Kate
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            A broken heart AGAIN

            Michaela- more hugs than you can even imagine are coming your way from me. I am soooooooooooo sorry.



              A broken heart AGAIN

              Michaela, I am so very sorry. I have put two dogs down - 10 days apart who were part of our family for 15 years. This happened June 13, and June 23. The pain for me is still so raw, I go to sleep at night , never mind.

              I truly hold you and your loved one's in my heart tonight. It will take time and I don't know if I will ever be over my lost loved ones. Had them cremated and they are here with me now, but ..........

              I am squeezing my nose not to cry.:l
              Enlightened by MWO


                A broken heart AGAIN

                Michaela, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. NewDay is right that so much of this is the fault of puppy mills and disreputable breeders. You are not being punished.


                  A broken heart AGAIN

                  so sorry to hear that you are going thur this right now but be strong .. if you bring in another dog to the house get that dog shots for parvo ..its a dog disease that might be in the yard and it is treatable..
                  peace , love and god bless
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    A broken heart AGAIN

                    With what you are going through and trying to overcome, I think feeling the way you do is completely normal. My heart goes out to you...but please know, you are not being punished.


                      A broken heart AGAIN

                      i feel for u. i've had wiener dogs my entire life. they can be the more outrageously endearing creatures. do something nice for wiener dogs in need and then adopt yourself another sausage.
                      i lost my buddy "little lovely lulu" more than 4 yrs ago and nearly drove myself mad w/the pain of it. i am now babysitting and will probably adopt an elderly wiener. doing nice things for those in need seems to help me.
                      i feel ur pain. there is no remedy like a good deed. joy


                        A broken heart AGAIN

                        Thank you all for your positive posts. I suppose I am not being punished, but it's just hard to imagine a little healthy happy puppy lost his life after all the treatments that was given to him. I'm just left with "why". If not for me, but my poor son. He is only 10. But, I guess life isn't fair sometimes. A lesson I suppose he needs to learn even at a tender age. But a protective Mother that I am, wants to shield him from everything hurtful or bad. I would be doing him a disjustice to not go through lifes ups and downs. I too have had the weiner dogs almost my whole life. They are gifts beyond words. Thankfully I still have a 4 year old girl Bella who is so confused. So, I have been giving her extra love and she in turn has given the same to me. Each day I guess will get better. Thank you all again. It's helped my broken heart.
                        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                        AF since 10/11/2008

