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August Will Be Better...I Hope

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    August Will Be Better...I Hope

    Just an update on my progress in July if anyone is interested. I used DrinkerTracker religiously in July and my final count for AF days was 10. Not great, but a lot better than I had been doing. I wasn't able to string together many days in a row, but at least I spent 1/3 of the month going to bed sober. There's good in that. I am also taking all of the supps, with the exception of L-Glut, Gaba, Omega 3-6-9, and Calms. I am on the second week of Topa up to 50 mg with no huge side effects as of yet. I'm hoping in August that I can have at least 15AF days. Now the trick is learning how to fill my evening with productive non-drinking activities. I'm hopeful that by weening myself off alcohol--mostly wine and sometimes beer, I will simultaneouly fill my life with other things that are more healthy and meaningful...A girl can hope. Just needed to talk about my progress. There aren't a lot of people that I can really be open and honest about all of this with. Thanks for listening.


    August Will Be Better...I Hope

    August will be better~

    I am the most hopefull and wishing you a continued perseverance.

    Don't ever give up. You are a precious.

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      August Will Be Better...I Hope


      I am finding the Lglut and omegas very helpful.
      I know what you mean about not wanting to talk about it
      You are doing well. Keep it up.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        August Will Be Better...I Hope

        Ten days is a great start! Sounds like you are on your way! :goodjob:


          August Will Be Better...I Hope

          Hi Julie, 10 days is better than 0 days... August will be better, any improvement is a good one. My best to you.


            August Will Be Better...I Hope

            After spening yesterday hung (after 3 weeks AF) I am definatley looking forward to August. I can do this. We ALL can!!!
            Do my issues make my butt look big?


              August Will Be Better...I Hope

              Julie, I also wondered how my evenings would be spent when I quit drinking. It was amazing, though, I had no trouble. It was so nice to go into the evening clear headed and off to bed without being asleep on the couch first! I just kept thinking how my body was poison free, it feels good not to be polluting myself and I'd be happier in the morning because of it. I walk with the dog more, I could knit if I felt like it (don't like to in the summer much), I read more books, I can take phone calls in the evening now where I used to avoid them, let them go to the machine. Then the next morning my workout is much more energetic. What I don't understand though is how tired I am about 3:00 every afternoon! When I drank it wasn't like this, but now I'm just dragging late in the afternoon till I get some energy around dinner. You'll get new habits going and feel so much better. I know, everyone says that. And I didn't really believe them till I just stopped drinking myself! Go for it!


                August Will Be Better...I Hope

                This is great. Keep at it and let us know how you are doing.
                Here's to more progress in August.


                  August Will Be Better...I Hope

                  Yeah, Gret, I have more energy AND also get pretty tired, got up at 4:30am today which is better than my typical 3:30... but desperately needed a nap at noon! I think my body is doing a LOT of work, healing and adjusting. Evenings have been really different, but quite nice to have the time to do what I want to do. Last night I scanned some of the really old photos I have rescued from my mother's house... lots of pictures from the early 20th century, my great-grandparents, grandparents, and their various horses, dogs, goats, and one very early automobile. Amazing photos.

                  Happy weekend, all.



                    August Will Be Better...I Hope

                    Hi Julie,

                    Have found sober evenings extend the productive day. Before, anything not done by 6:00 PM was pretty much left undone until the next day. Now, finish up the day's activities, spend some time here, watch a little tv or read (NEVER could stay awake long enough to read). The next day not only starts with a clear head, but I don't have all those nitty things leftover from the day before (a laundry load that never made it into the dryer, or the junk mail and paper from 2 days still out, or whatever) which just makes you feel burdened.

                    And Gret - do you think this was a normal pattern that you didn't feel before because your body was doing all it could do to sober up from the night before? I have noticed many little things lately that I probably ignored before because the pain in my head was the most pronounced feeling. And another thought - remember biorhythms? Those are the normal ups and downs of our physical, emotional and mental selves. So the fatigue may be temporary. BTW, your "mood" is doubtful. Is that an old mood?



                      August Will Be Better...I Hope

                      Julie - I only managed 7 days AF so you did better than me!!!
                      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                        August Will Be Better...I Hope

                        You can do it Julie! Just remember "The obstacle ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you"!!!!
                        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                        (from the Movie "Once")


                          August Will Be Better...I Hope


                          I think you are smart to make attainable goals for yourself (10 days last month - 15 days this month). Rome wasn't built in a day. As far as AF evenings for me - I pour myself Perrier with a lime in a wine glass (sometimes cut up some good cheese) and get online here. That makes the time really go by. Sometimes when it gets close to going to bed, I make some hot tea and watch TV in bed. If I have brushed my teeth, washed my face and crawled under the sheets it is very inconvenient to get BACK up and go downstairs and pour myself some wine. Plus at that point I'm not even in the "drinking" mindset anymore. It's cozy watching TV in bed!! I don't want to get up!! The mornings feel so good - and guilt free...

                          We're all works in progress.... Don't give up...
                          God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                            August Will Be Better...I Hope

                            Thank you everyone for your responses. August will be a month one step closer to a better life. I appreciate all of your support. Even though we don't really don't know one another I feel connected to this group of people. Thank you again for your support. Look forward to hearing to how everyone us dealing with life's trials and tribulations.Good luck to all.


