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GABA and L-Glutamine

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    GABA and L-Glutamine

    I want to add GABA and L-Glutamine to my supplementation (that I am just starting today). I wonder if those who do use these two could provide me with advice. Once, twice or three times a day?


    GABA and L-Glutamine

    Hi Wild,

    I take 500mg's of GABA and 1000mg's of L-Glut first thing in the morning and again at about 3pm. The bottle does recommed that it can be taken up to three times a day but so far that is what my GP has recommended but then I am a fairly small person. I have also noticed that different brands recommend different dosages which can make it confusing so I stick to the the above recommended dosage and also a reputable brand.

    I hope that helped.

    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      GABA and L-Glutamine

      I would like to share that I am updating all the required or suggested aids.

      I was guided to
      It is so informative, with the most recent suggestings.

      I must say the GABA has a powerful effect. I read to put it into water (750mg )during withdrawls/cravings.
      The article, by RJ, has much valued information to give us and those that are in this battle, aids on the physical level.

      The very best of wishes to you~

      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


        GABA and L-Glutamine

        I am taking 1000mg of Lglut in the morning with kudzu on an empty stomach and the same again in the afternoon. seems to be helping.
        I have ordered the gaba and am waiting for it to arrive.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          GABA and L-Glutamine

          Me be Its just me, But if I take more than 1g of GABA,
          my head feel like its on fire about 15 minutes later.

          Maybe I take after Beaker on the Muppet show, you know how
          us toon guys are.

          It [ the fire ] seems to subside after 30 minutes.



            GABA and L-Glutamine

            I just wanted to thank everyone for your responses. I'm away on holidays and this is the first chance I've had to peek at the boards.

            I left for holidays before my package arrived (CDs, All in One, etc), but I opted to purchase all the supplements and get started without the all in one). I'm amazed at the results I've experienced just in three-days. Friday evening when we arrived at my boyfriend's son house ... he offered us a beer and all I wanted was cold water. A beer sounded good for later, but the weird thing was it was like something in my brain had shifted and I wasn't experience a "craving" like I would normally after 6 long hot hours in the car! His son cooked dinner and I opted for a beer to go with my steak, but I think I only took one or two sips while we ate and then ended up sipping on that beer for over an hour. By gosh, it's a long time since that's happened, and then I didn't even want another one!

            Saturday was a bit trickier because I was visiting my mom on the way to my friend's cabin and I haven't seen her for 12 years. So, I was really anxious and did take GABA to try and relax. Once there (I forgot to take my dinner supplements), and I did end up drinking 3 beer (not finishing the fourth), and although I had a bit of a buzz I didn't want to get drunk. (The 3.5 beer were over 5 hours). We then went on to my friends where we are staying. We did all stay up and drink more (I think I had 3-4 red wine over another 6 hours). So although I hit the 7 drink mark I didn't get smashed and still felt pretty in control.

            Sunday was even better. I took ALL my supplements and didn't crave, but enjoyed a few. We were out on the boat all day and I think I had a beer at about 3:00, which I sipped for an hour. A couple of hours later I enjoyed a cooler, also sipped. At around 8:00 pm (3 hours later) I sipped on a glass of red wine for about 2 hours until we sat down for a late dinner. I enjoyed another glass with dinner, but didn't even finish it! And was in bed by Midnight. It's so weird not wanting to be slamming the drinks back!

            I've also noticed that the supplements seem to be curbing my smoking. I'm still smoking, but find I can go a whole lot longer (3-5 hours) without thinking about having one. I'm excited to see the changes after I start taking the All-in-One.

            I think I have been taking about 1000-1500 L-Glut, but the GABA I purchased is only 100 mg per pill so it would be a lot of pills to take, but I could adjust to 500mg for now.


