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    Hi Larisa
    Well done in finding your way to winning the fight.We all know it isn't just luck
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08



      I'm jumping on the Larissa kudo-wagon!!!

      Larissa, now that you're the voice of experience and reason - ahem - what are you still doing from the MWO program? Do you occasionally listen to the cd's? I feel like this program is really working for me. I've been at it 5+ weeks now, and have had many AF days, and a few 1 glass of wine days (there was one evening when I went with a second full glass of wine and it threw me for such a loop - and this from a gal who used to put a half a bottle of vodka down before hubby came home!) The difference with this sobriety effort is it FEELS different. Even when I've had the occasional glass of wine, my head is not racing to the next. So I'm curious as to how much I'll still be doing down the road. I so enjoy the subliminal cd while online here that I probably won't give that up at all. Too much fun.

      And CONGRATULATIONS on being the trend setter here.




        Me??? Didn't you see all those 8-monthers out there?? I'm a frickin Johnny-come-lately, ha! Congrats to you too, v! I'm still doing everything but the hypno cds (did those first month, still doing sleep and subliminal), plus gaba and adrafinil and biotin and the kitchen sink. I'll probably take topa til I'm 198. Just in case. I'm on 300 mg - drank a bunch of wine my first night on 200, and it was horrible and depressing and a wonderful deterrent.

