Today I was thinking about why I chose my name for this forum. On here I am AstraiaJ. J is actually the first letter of my first name, and Astraia is from ancient greek, derived from astor meaning "star" (thus the starfish). This isn't because I think I'm some kind of star.
It's from a poem by Robert Frost that has been inspirational to me through this whole crazy, hellish, life-discovering process. In the poem a person is asking a star for answers, for wisdom, but the star won't answer. The last part of the poem goes like this:
Not even stooping from its sphere
It asks a little of us here.
It asks of us a certain height,
So when at times the mob is swayed
To carry praise or blame too far,
We may choose something like a star
To stay our minds on and be staid.
Through all of this hell I have been trying to "choose something like a star," to fix my focus on and get through. Sometimes at night it was an actual star in the sky, as I was wide awake AF wondering when I would ever sleep. Sometimes my "star" was keeping my head turned toward the larger things in life that I don't want to see slip away -- my marraige, my relationship with my son. I have seen many others' descriptions of their own "stars" on this site, and have added some of those to my own horizon. Thank you all for being here, for being so nonjudgmental and caring.
So I was wondering whether or not there was any significance to any other names you chose, and whether your names are part of your "my way out" process. AstraiaJ.