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What's the significance of your forum name

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    What's the significance of your forum name

    I am so glad to have made time to read this whole thread that I have been watching for a few days!!! Really fun, interesting and connecting!

    The night I sat down and found MWO and registered asap - with the first thing that came into my head..... Finding My Feet..... I did and, looking back, I never realised how apt it was! Then I moved onto my 'Self' as I wanted to 'come up in the world' from the ground (I left out Knees!!) and now, incredibly, I think I am where I so wanted to be but never thought I'd reach - Finding My Soul..... but I'll stay as Self and simple ol' 'FMS' coz that looks too pretentious for words!!!! (Nothing pretentious about Hippie's version of FMS - Fondling My Sheep!!!! :H)

    Our 'names' are so special to me; I think of Lucky when I see ducks, and Lushy in stores, and think of Bessie when I see horses (loved that avatar!).....etc etc! Might not be our 'real' names but what's 'real' then? I feel more FMS than I do my 'real' name!!! (If only people (didn't) knew!!!)
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      What's the significance of your forum name

      very unoriginal. Dexter is my cat. Also the name of a serial killer on a TV show, quite appropriate as the feline Dex is rather violent.
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        What's the significance of your forum name

        Sam is me at my worst,
        self centered and abrasive,
        ready to kick the widows and orphans out of the home
        because he wants the money to drink sassperilla.

        When I see Sam, I know why I must guard my sobriety, like the treasure it is.
        Then I can be the kind, gentle Sam, who speaks softly and spreads love not lead.

        With healing, the other, Sam I am.


          What's the significance of your forum name

          My Grandmother always told me about how my Grandpa loved his vodka because it gave him a "Rosey glow". I also loved my rosey glow. That warm flush to my cheeks when I drank my Seven and Diet Coke every night. Actually, truth be told I liked the mind numbing benefit the most.

          In addition, I love to grow roses. I have 48 in my yard right now and am planning more for next year. So there it was .... the perfect name Rosey.


            What's the significance of your forum name

            Readyornot;373559 wrote: Its the first thought that popped into my head when I was registering for this site... I took a deep breath and thought...'Ready or not"....then I jumped in with both feet
            LOL! Another goat on the boards!

            As for my name - I was drunk; therefore I don't even recall coming up with it! I must say I was bloody brilliant, and no spelling mistakes to boot. Not too bad for a past drunkered!!



              What's the significance of your forum name

              Love you AFM!!!!!!! :************
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                What's the significance of your forum name

                When we first met my husband told me that I had the lips of Eustacia Vye, a character in Hardy's Return of the Native. Since this was a forum about drinking . . .:lipstick:

                :heart: E


                  What's the significance of your forum name

                  Aunty Mame - check the movie! I was so impressed when I saw her as a 10-yr old! I now think it is a bit tragic that i was so impressed......
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    What's the significance of your forum name

                    Boozehag cos thats what I was.....probably the biggest pisshead in the southern hemisphere!


                      What's the significance of your forum name

                      The name of one of my cats - all of them are strays that just turned up outside our back door - but she was the first and I liked her because she was so persistent - it was Christmas and she just sat outside the door for days looking in - we eventually gave in and threw her the remains of the turkey and she has been with us ever since. Everyone thinks she is as ugly as sin but I think that adds to her character - she's had a rough time but she is a real trouper.
                      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                        What's the significance of your forum name

                        Hi Dolphin,
                        God I could talk cats and dogs all animals of all kinds.. would love to run an animal shelter but just don't have the space or the money but I do now volunteer for a re-homing group. At one stage I had 14 cats but neighbours started to complain so we luckily manged to get homes for the more friendly ones and that left us with the 5 we have now. Love dogs too but they are a much bigger commitment - have one now and another one coming in a week. Kids want guinea pigs or rabbits but not sure, my hubby is mad to get a giant Flemish rabbit for some reason, apparently he always wanted one when he was younger but I'm the one that has to feed them all and clean up!

                        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                          What's the significance of your forum name

                          Well, Myra is one of my nicknames. Not even close to my real name. It is the nickname that my dearest girlfriend and I have for each other. Myra is our best self.


                            What's the significance of your forum name

                            LOL! Another goat on the boards! :H

                            That is tooo funny !!!!
                            I LOVE this thread and have read it from start to finish...
                            Some of you might be familiar with my lil' Niblet as being my "Special Agent Spy Goat"....
                            He is my avator and is at times my bestest lil' friend. Niblet calls me " MAAAAA !!!!! " and makes me smile even if I'm not have the greatest day.
                            I love all my animals but have a special place in my heart for this lil' fella :h
                            When we first took the 8 hour trip to the farm where we bought Niblet and Kiwi, they were very sickly. I almost thought we would lose little Niblet, but with alot of love, heat lamps and bottle feeding him every couple hours he pulled through.
                            Thanks for the thread and thanks for reading about my special lil' friend, "Niblet"
                            Hugs, xxx

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              What's the significance of your forum name

                              K is the first letter of my name, and BCE are the first letters of my three daughters names

                              They are the best kids in the world
                              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                                What's the significance of your forum name

                                I lived in Moscow for 5 months in 1993. It was a magical time - saw snow for the first time, learned a lot of Russian very fast, fell madly in love with two (2) guys named Igor (good Igor and bad Igor). There were several Russian names that were fairly close to my English name, and I thought Larisa was the prettiest. I made lots of friends and had the time of my life, and I never drank a drop. Nobody had any clue that the girl who always passed on the vodka bottle would be a complete lush-bunny 7 years later! But anyway, I still like Larisa.

