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ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

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    ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

    ok im really trying to understand this ..why do you feel the need to come up with all these id's is beyond me .. to start all this bullshit .. we are all here for one reason and it is to try to get better and quit drinking or slow down and maybe make some friends as time goes on ..for me im here to help and learn and have some fun along the way not hurt anyone .. you all know me well most of you do .. and now to attack my thread .. where a few of us want to just have alittle fun and try to get our minds off of drinking and all the bullshit .. now what i would like to say please enough is enough.. if you are not here to try get better leave please why make it any worst for the few that are here to try to find their way out of the hole they are in .and most of need the sopport that is given .. let make this site a place to come to and enjoy coming here not a place of drama and put downs .. i see enough of that in real life.. yes this site is real and its for alcoholics that are tryng to find their way out ....
    peace , love and god bless
    have an awesome day everyone
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

    ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

    Hi tlrgs,
    Just to say I am not one of those drama qeens -and yes I know it must be annoying to hit your thread - but then I suppose it was waiting to happen - got a good thing going, always someone else would hit it. Anyway, just keep doing what you are doing - I enjoy it and if it keeps you happy, who gives a shit??
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

      I am with you T. No More :drama: I don't know exactly What is going on out there, but this kind of Crap is the reason that I don't use the AA chat room anymore. We are here to Help and Support one another, especially those who are still struggling. This is a Serious fight for our lives. How would u feel if u scared someone away, who really needed help? Cut the Crap!!
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

        You are giving this thing life by posting about it. Ignore it and it will go away. Obiviously ENUF has issues and if it doesn't like this can go somewhere else.

        Don't acknowledge it's presence and it will die of lonliness. Keep doing what your doing if it keeps you away from AL..trlgs and alll the rest of you flingers.

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


          ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

          Laughter is the key to life !!! Many studies have been made & they have found that laughter increases you life expectencey ! You can laugh through life, or druge through it in messary ! ( for a shorter lenght of time ! ) IAD!
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

            I agree with one2many! We need the laughter and the fun. And the thread that Dolphin started about the pets - way cool!
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

              I joined MWO almost two years ago now, but, I haven't been on here much lately. When I first stopped drinking I literally lived in this place. The first few months were damn hard and this place and the people here saved me many a time from reaching for the bottle. Yes we have our serious side and we will give our all to help anyone who requires that help, but sometimes it is that very humour, be it sick, bad, mad or profane which has kept me sober and sane on a lot of occasions.
              trigs I haven't met you yet, but, I agree with everyone else here, just carry on with what you are doing, as long as it isn't malicious, misleading or knowingly hurting another member then where is the harm.
              The only advice I can offer to anyone else is to say that if you don't like the thread then

              DON'T READ THE BLOODY

              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                I agree too! You know Randy Pausch, the professor who died last week (I was a groupie - loved the man). Well he stressed how important is was to have fun. In fact, he said "Hell, I'm dying, and I'm having fun!".
                Your posts are awesome tlrgs, I look forward to any of your words of wisdom or cheer!

                BRING ON THE LAUGHTER!!!:H
                You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                  ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                  Yo, T, I only ASPIRE to be a drama queen... meantime I'll have fun staying AF and trying to keep up with your crazy thread, I would be wiling to be it's kept more than one person from drinking...

                  Ignore the bullshit!



                    ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                    Im only going to be a Drama Queen if I get a tiara. And a really cool septor. And maybe a few dudes in tights to amuse me and bring me chocolate when I hold court. And a parade. Those are my terms.
                    Do my issues make my butt look big?


                      ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                      [img]a href=[/img]B] READY..... WE ALL HAVE DREAMS ! HA! IAD. [/B]
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                        YES READY, WE ALL HAVE DREAMS ! HA1 IAD.
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                          No. I want my kingdom RId of those anmimated subjects. I am the Queen's supposed to be all about ME. Screw the mouse and his crowd.
                          Do my issues make my butt look big?


                            ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              ok enough is enough to all you drama queens

                              Nothing beats chocolate-eating goats in tights!

