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Pissed (off)

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    Pissed (off)

    First apologies, I haven't been here for a while.

    I joined nearly a year ago, and although my drinking is still pretty bad it is better. I put this down partly that last January an old friend came back to my town to live- we met around 25 years ago, (I was 18 or so) and haven't seen each other for about 15 years when he left here to get married.

    We were just friends, he then dated a girlfriend of mine.

    When he came back here (with his wife) he told me he had been dry for 2 years, (In AA) as drinking had become a horrendous problem for him, I told him I too had big issues. On his suggestion we began meeting a couple of times a week like a mini AA thing, and while I did not stop, I did cut down and looked forward to our meetings as he is really the only person I know who I can be completely honest with. I felt it was also helpful for him as he could also tell me all his stuff, without fear of judgement.

    A few months ago his wife went away for a week, and during that week he began drinking again. He carried on when she returned and became very very ill. She called me and together we got him to the doctor, he was given meds, and dried out.

    After that we no longer met in the same capacity for our 'meetings' but continued to see each other on occasion when and if, just as most friends too. I have truly felt grateful for his friendship, as he is the only person who I can trust to talk to about anything.

    Last night he called me and said he did not want us to meet anymore- NOT AT ALL- EVER- because he would like our relationship to go further, and I do not. (Possibly because he is married, and I live with a partner of 7 years and apart from that we would not do each other any good at all).

    I don't know why but I feel furious- somehow I do not believe him- I know he is fond of me, but his actions have never ever indicated an undying love. And is that how you treat a friend who you are trying to support, and receiving support for a drink problem?

    He called me last night at my first night in a new job to break the news- is that what you do when you feel deeply for someone? I would have thought you told them to their face or at least when you know they are at home and able to have a good bawl if they wish.

    It just seems like a load of bullshit, but I can't help but feel furious that someone who I thought was my best friend on the planet has just 'dumped' me like that.

    Any insights would be welcome- in the meantime I will go and reply to some other threads, don't want to come here just to 'take' :thanks: :upset:

    Pissed (off)

    Marbella -

    Agree with you totally...and it also sounds like he may not be someone you want in his life at all at this point.

    What is that concept? Some people come into your life for a short time to add to your life and then leave because that need for both is over. Others come and stay for ever because they have so much more to offer. Looks like he was the former.

    Let it go. And BTW - welcome back to the boards. We're here for you now.
    Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


      Pissed (off)

      Thanks so much-.

      I just dont see the point of his actions- if you don't want to see someone because you are afraid the relationship is getting out of hand, surely it would be kinder to sit down and discuss it- plus he has never acted like he thought anything other than we were friends.

      Incidently he also owes me money- albeit not much, but I would not dream of calling someone like that particularly if I owed them money.
      Although truthfully of course it is not the money- I thought I had a much needed friend and it seems I don't.

      I guess I will feel better tomorrow.


        Pissed (off)

        Hi Marbella

        I know this must be really painful for you... but it's not personal as much as it seems like it.

        What you describe sounds very familiar to me. It just goes to show the limitations of "friendships" between men and women. Often one of the people in the friendship develops romantic feelings or there is an undercurrent of sexual tension. I think unfortunately, friendships with men can be less reliable than those with women because of this. Another way to quickly lose a close male friendship is if they get a girlfriend and then suddenly your friendship looks suspicious. Instantly they can vanish.

        As for him doing it by phone, it probably was a difficult thing for him to do. The mature thing would be to do it in person but some people have problems with communicating difficult emotions.

        I hope you can find a real platonic support system, maybe all girls!


          Pissed (off)

          Hi Marbella--I love your kitty--

          We had a beautiful long-haired cat when I was growing up.

          Anyway, I've read your thread twice now, and I really don't have any good advice. The whole time I was reading though, I thought it was going to end up as an affair. :H

          I know you've had your feelings hurt, and maybes someday you guys can talk honestly in person about it.

          Just wanted to let you know I care. :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            Pissed (off)

            Aw Thank you..!

            I don't really think there is any advice anyone can give. I just posted to vent really, there's nothing really to say is there?!!

            He is not my type physically, (although many women do fancy him) but he never even suggested an affair, not that I would've wanted one- but right out of the blue he asked if I would leave my BF for him! just like that- completely out of the blue- I know he has had a few problems lately in his marriage, but which marriage doesn't.

            I guess I am hurt because we had discussed how alcoholics generally have an issue trusting other human beings- I know that is certainly true of me and I thought that I had met somebody who I could trust and that would help me on my path to recovery- then he just seemed to throw all that in my face.

            Maybe I should just believe what he said but it just didn't sound true. At my age I think I have a rough idea when a man is interested and I never got the slightest sign that he was.

            I am probably just feeling sorry for myself, but it seemed like a better idea to come here than go to the pub :l Thanks guys


              Pissed (off)

              Yeah, of course it is better to come here than the pub.

              I guess all you can do for now is take his comments at face value until you get the full story.

              Personally, I don't think it is always possible to tell if a man is interested. Some are able to conceal that very well. He's married so maybe he just kept it hidden. Doesn't mean it isn't true.

              He's probably pretty messed up and confused right now about his marriage, with drinking causing a lot of complications.

              It's hard sometimes for men and women to be friends, particularly when these romantic feelings come up. But you shouldn't take it as a rejection.


                Pissed (off)

                thanks Nancy, I guess you are right- I was taking it as a rejection.

                I guess I should just mentally wish him well, and feel thankful for the time he was around and the support he gave.

                (Just hope I don't start drunk dialling one of these days. Might be a good idea to remove him from my phone ops!


                  Pissed (off)

                  Yeah, well I have similar very reactions to things like that but I am training myself out of it.
                  This guy has strong feelings for you and is married, can't deal with seeing you. He might feel differently later. And really for his marriage, he shouldn't be hanging out with someone he is attracted to. He should sort out his marriage and decide what he wants first. He sounds mixed up.


                    Pissed (off)


                    Welcome back! I am sorry that you have been so hurt by this relationship. No crystal ball here, but, for some reason the thought that it is probable that "the wife" may have asked him to stop seeing you, comes across loud and clear to me. Perhaps he doesn't want to say this, but that makes alot of sense to me.

                    You are wise when you say that this relationship is probably not good for either of you. My late mother used to say, "Be cautious, for misery loves company!" I hope your feelings heal and you have continued stregnth in your battle for your health and well being!

                    Hugs, Best
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      Pissed (off)

                      Hi Marabella
                      I love your kitty I had a similar experience with a guy in AA. He took me under his wing and was a great support for me, until one day, he called and said that he could not continue his friendship with me because he had strong feelings for me, and I was married at the time. I felt pretty rejected and pissed off too. I have found that it is much better to befriend the women in the program (AA). It has also been my experience that two people who are struggling, can really do no good for one another. Sometimes we need to be selfish for awhile. It is much easier for two people who are newly sober, or struggling to become so, to drag each other back out there. I would not take it personally. It seems he has many issues of his own to face right now. For me, I am focusing on myself now, and will not allow a man into the picture at this point. I hope u feel better soon.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Pissed (off)

                        I had some guys try to 13th step me in AA too, ha! My lil sponsor ate their innards for lunch and decorated her Big Book and 12 by 12 with their skins.


                          Pissed (off)

                          Thanks all you guys- thanks so much.

                          Funnily enough his wife is very controlling/jealous but she never minded out friendship- I guess she did not see me as a threat, but that of course could have changed.

                          I will just have to move on, but it feels really hard when overnight you lose your biggest and to be honest, only confidant! Forums like this are great but it isnt the same as sitting in front of a real live person.

                          I guess the good lord works in strange ways, and maybe this will help us both move on. Who knows.

                          Love to you all xxx

