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    Hi Everyone...

    I found this site today and am impressed! Where I'm at: I joined AA and stayed for many years, but left 5 years ago for personal reasons. I began drinking moderately about a year later and have done so until recently. Light and moderate is creeping up to heavy. The writing's on the wall, and I want to 'point the tracks' in a different direction. However, I'm am looking for a different solution this time.... Hopefully, I can find it here.

    The book and cd's are on the way, and I look forward joining you in the forums!


    Hi Everyone...

    Hi Paliser.
    Glad you found us.
    This is a great place.


      Hi Everyone...

      Hi Paliser

      Nice to meet you!
      I am impressed you managed to moderate for so long, it never seems to work long term though does it- certainly not for me anyway

      Glad you found us!


        Hi Everyone...

        Welcome! All the best to you!


          Hi Everyone...

          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Hi Everyone...

            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              Hi Everyone...

              Hello and Welcome
              I too have been around AA for a long time, manage to put ten years together, then a year and a half. I too thought that I could moderate. I started drinking again 4 years ago and did pretty well moderating for a while, but just like with you, it slowly crept up until I was drinking everyday just to quell the symptoms of withdrawal. What a horrible way to live. I still go to AA meeting now and then, but haven't felt like really jumping back in with the Steps, a sponsor, and all of that just yet. I have mixed feelings about AA. I mainly go so that I am not sitting home alone. I wish u well as you begin your journey. This place is Great!! I would never have over a month AF without this program and the wonderful people here.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Hi Everyone...

                Thanks to everyone for the welcome!

                Seacailin, I joined AA young as a high-bottom light weight and stayed 18 years. It was a way of life for me that worked as long as I kept myself immersed in the group. There were aspects of the program that I disagreed and struggled with, but practiced the 'take what you want and leave the rest' philosophy as best as I could. Then came the day when I knew I had run my course. MWO looks like a promissing alternative. Thanks again, I appreciate your thoughts and candor.


                  Hi Everyone...

                  Welcome, Paliser! As you see, there are any number of AA veterans here... I am one... also with the same/similar story of leaving AA (for various reasons), drinking moderately for a while... then it creeps up. I was dreading going back to AA when I realized I HAD to do something about my drinking... did a bunch of internet searching, and found this program. It's been great for me (just 2 weeks, so far, but AF the whole time).

                  stick around...



                    Hi Everyone...

                    Welcome and good luck to you! Your avatar brings back memories of my teen years (California surfer chick!)

                    This place is amazing.
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      Hi Everyone...

                      A Work.... thanks for posting! It is very encouraging to read how you (and others) here have made a positive start. I completely understand the dread of returning. I don't mean that to sound so negative, but that's exactly how I feel. Thanks!


                        Hi Everyone...

                        Paliser, one of the good things (for me) about being an AA vet is that I learned in those years how to put together a program of healthy living, AND I learned the crucial role of social support... I think that the support of a community of people who support one in the fight for life against alcohol is one of the most effective ingredients in the AA program... and that is what I am finding here, even tho it is online and not face-to-face, I feel as if there is a supportive community I can belong to.



                          Hi Everyone...

                          KBCE: Nice to meet you, and thanks for your welcome! I'm from CA also. Surfed Huntington up to Pismo! Do I ever miss it! Now I am roasting in Dallas! lol

                          A Work... I agree, great analogy. I can see the elements are here. I had no idea something like this existed....


                            Hi Everyone...

                            Glad you found us....the book is a great start...think about the supplements after you read the book..they are amazing help...

                            See ya on the threads!

                            It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.

