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Feeling so blah..

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    Feeling so blah..

    It's one of those days where you wake up feeling great, then everyone and their mama just SUCKS THE LIFE OUTTA YOU! This is day 1 for me again (one beer last night - did not want any more - but no WINE so that is a start!) Seems the negative energy is just seeking me out! I am trying to think positive, etc. Just not working today :upset: I am also very tired - the baby was up three times last night, but I am used to that pretty much. It is hard enough trying to be AF on a regular day, but what do you guys do when the stress is unbearable and a nice glass of chardonnay is screaming to be sipped when I get home?

    Sorry to be a downer. Just need some encouragement I guess today!

    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

    Feeling so blah..

    kick it out!

    I certainly have a long row to hoe to being AF, but I have found that SOME kind of exercise in the early evening can really help with the stress--a walk with the baby, exuberant play with the baby (I know, it seems tough at first when we're so tired), a quick swim somewhere? Whatever is close at hand.

    Getting moving tends to help clear the head and the muscles. Sorry you're having a rotten day! Hope it gets better soon. Al


      Feeling so blah..

      Hey, KB, you just do ANYTHING ELSE but drink... something distracting, as long as it isn't harmful... and then do it again, if necessary...

      And you know, of course, that there will be blah days and bad days and good days when you aren't drinking... Adding alcohol to that reality can only make it so you also have a large number of HORRIBLE days...

      best wishes, hang on!


