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sorry but i need help NOW

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    sorry but i need help NOW

    I'm so sorry.... didn't mean to butt in but I just want to die.... if it weren't for my kids would have done it by sorry x

    sorry but i need help NOW

    I'm new here, so I don't have a lot of advice to give, but I do know that you have no reason to be "sorry" for asking for help. We are all here because we need help and we all want to get better. Your post is in the right place at the right time, so please don't apologize.

    I was feeling the EXACT same way yesterday that you are feeling today. I was thinking that if it weren't for my 4 dogs (my equivalent of kids), I would like to just die. This disease is a struggle and it's not uncommon for us to feel hopeless sometimes. However, I feel much better today than I did yesterday and reaching out for help is one reason why. I'm sure that other's will have more specific advice to give you, but I wanted you to know that you aren't alone and reaching out to others just as you have is a big help when it comes to getting through these things. Hugs,


      sorry but i need help NOW

      Sorry, I'm about 4 hours late but hope you were able to get to chat and are feeling better. If not, tell us how we can help or what you are so down about; that might help us help you better. Hugs regardless.


        sorry but i need help NOW

        Hi Minty,
        I have only just logged on. I think most of us have felt like you at sometime. I notice you
        live in the UK. Have you seen your gp ? I was scared to tell mine about my problem, as
        I'm a nurse and often see him at work. He was so helpful, he reffered me to a counsellor,
        who prescribed campral tabs, I also go to AA meetings, which help me a lot. At the moment
        I have no desire for a drink and have gone from being almost suicidal to content.
        It does get better once you admit you have a problem, and decide to do something about it.
        Hope you feel a bit better now.


          sorry but i need help NOW

          Minty, come on chat tonight if you can. Are you still on Espana time? I'll keep an eye out for you.
          hang in there! hasta pronto mi amiga
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            sorry but i need help NOW

            Hi minty just read your post firstly you never butt in here you are always welcome and you never need be sorry you have nothing to be sorry for on here. what you put really hit home for me I put a post up earlier on saying thats how i used to feel, and sure loads of others have felt or feel the same. Think the advie so far has been great . I went to my doctor did not get a great reception , I am in the uk and am doing a great phine councilling programme after 30 years of binge drinking and really messing my life up I have been af for over 3 months. It not easy but keep comming on here and good luck


            ps will look out for your posts to see how u r doing x


              sorry but i need help NOW

              Let inspiration silence your despair.

              It is hard for many if not most. It is a difficulty that I am learning can be adjusted and then you find you are where you are meant to be.

              Feel the welcome and then let that transpire you to unfold.

              You matter so.

              " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                sorry but i need help NOW

                Hi Minty,
                I am so glad that you came into chat tonight. I hope that you are feeling better. Not too sure at all what is going on with you. But, drinking does cause us to sink into despair and depression. It just does.
                Please keep coming here and post, read and chat....wishing you better days ahead!

                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  sorry but i need help NOW

                  hey minty I am so glad to have had the opportunity to have meant you tonight. When you get a few days AF under your belt it will feel better. I hope to see you agian and glad you are with us.
                  :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                    sorry but i need help NOW

                    yes, great chatting Minty....stay with us. Don't be afraid to let us hold your hand.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      sorry but i need help NOW


                      It'll pass, don't stay in the feeling, it does change.
                      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                        sorry but i need help NOW

                        Hi Minty

                        I do hope you are feeling a bit better today. As we all know by now alcohol is a depressant hence making us feel like we don't care if we live or die.

                        Been there, done that.

                        All my bestest vibes flying your way.



                          sorry but i need help NOW

                          hey marbella...long time !! wasn't too far away awhile ago....Everyone else , thank you SO much. make me mmmm smile lol .xxx


                            sorry but i need help NOW

                            thank you rusty x


                              sorry but i need help NOW

                              Hi Minty,

                              Just keep visiting this site and I'm sure these fantastic people will help you. They helped me for over 30 days. They are always there for you - I've made up my mind to visit every day now because it just works for me - otherwise I'm on my own and I just struggle. Good luck . . . . Best wishes P
                              Short term goal 7 days AF

