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Lenair was not the Silver Bullet

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    Lenair was not the Silver Bullet


    Wow! What a thread! Having been away from MWO for about 6 months, I hope maybe you can take this as an objective view.

    cindi, all of life is a journey and change takes a lot of time. it sounds like youmade tremendous progress in gowth at Lenair. Just carry on with your onw rogram & stop beating yourself up. Youare doing great on your journey.

    As for AFM and Capn....they both sound very irrational & emotional & tangled up in their own heads & problems. Luvuall is emotional but to me she sounds sane.

    I am so sorry about your daughter. Forthose who said ...she is an adult and you cannot control or change her ..they are right. For those who said stick to you own program & just be there for her & give her love & support, they are right. You can not force her to do anything know this. all in my opinion...

    Carry on. Good luck. Peace be with matter what happens with your daughter.

    "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
    will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
    This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
    love and heal this part of self."


      Lenair was not the Silver Bullet

      Hi Cindi

      Your gracious responses to some of the messages left me even more impressed with you.
      I can't really understand what the hullabaloo was about. You are the member here and the members support you and it was your thread. If your daughter were here she would be treated the same way.

      I know you would do anything to help your daughter but it's her life and her body so it's up to her. Just like it's up to you to help yourself. You can support her. There may have been things in your children's upbringing that predisposed them to it, like watching the way you dealt with problems with booze, or it could be genetic. Everyone has bad things to deal with and the buck has to stop somewhere. It might be combination genetic and environmental for your kids.

      In You can heal your life, my bible at the moment, Louise Hay advises people to start afresh, after all, she says, you wouldn't cook a new meal with old garbage would you? Parents need to be forgiven and lives need to be focused on the present. We all need to heal and I hope you got that at least from your Lenair experience. Alcoholism doesn't come out of nowhere.

      Take care Cindi. We all like you so much.



        Lenair was not the Silver Bullet

        Very happy to hear you are taking the antabuse works for you. I am praying your daughter finds her path. Tons of love!
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          Lenair was not the Silver Bullet

          Hi Cindy

          we are so alike, I think...We cant seem to stay sober unless we take that antabuse...which works wonders...

          This battle is so hard...I want so badly to be done with this demon, but can't seem to fight it without the antabuse..what is that?????

          Anyway, I pray for your daughter daiily.... I cant imagine haw hard that is for you.

          this disease is awful...As much as I HATE it.. I still want to drink.

 sucks....OMG...I worry to death about my far so good, but I know the genetic factor is there....scares me to death.

          I pray for your daughter....I do....and hope she can figure this out... I hope we can too

          with love

          formerly known as bak310


            Lenair was not the Silver Bullet

            Closing This Thread

            I am now unofficially closing this thread.

            I know only RJ can officially close a thread, but I think this one has probably run its useful course.

            I haven't really read it that much. But the flavor can be picked up easily. I just got back in to town after spending a week away but I was a bit surprised.

            Nuff said. Let's move on to other topics.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

