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Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

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    Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

    My years of working with security professionals has shown me some very interesting and uncommonly seen things. Even years after hearing of this I'm still excited and impressed by the findings of a study I will relate here.

    it's known that pepper spray effects various people differently...some fall down and some can keep going. A police agency decided to conduct an experiment to see if they could 'program' their officers to fight through being peppersprayed.

    they set up two groups of trainees. After a briefing, each group member would be sprayed and then have a list of simple tasks to complete. (walk from point A to point B etc)

    the first group was told that the spray would incapacitate them. this 'fact' was then reinforced by video showing people peppersprayed falling down and screaming in pain.
    when that group of trainees was exposed to the spray they could not function. they screamed, panicked and fell down screaming in pain, many of them crying hysterically.

    the second group was informed that while the spray would hurt...they could mentally focus through the pain and complete thier tasks. This was reinforced by watching a film of people successfully doing just that.
    when this second group was sprayed, they fought though the pain and completed all tasks. every singe one of them.


    The next time you find yourself saying "this is too hard" you need to mentally slap yourself straight and remember this real world study.

    You are capable of far more than you likely give yourself credit for.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

    Great post Det. Just what I needed to read today. We really can do things once we put our ming to it. Thank you


      Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

      I believe it!
      thanks for posting.


        Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

        How True

        Totally true, and I know it. The problem is how to have the strength the keep your thoughts "positive " all the time, and not just "let them go". I have used positive thinking twice in my life and know the great/fantastic results. But still, haven't been able in years to do it again. Does one's will power give out as one gets older? Do we just get tired of fighting? Do we get lazy? I don't know, but I wish to regain the strength. Alcohol does take it away from you--maybe that is the answer. (Duh--it's just coming to me as I write this.) Boy, this is the ultimate case of "letting yourself go". Thanks for helping me think this through.:thanks:


          Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

          Hi det.......this made me think of how often we say, " mind over matter",yet don`t push ourselves anywhere near hard enough to achieve that which is "difficult but not impossible".

          Darling x
          Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


            Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

            thankx det
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

              thanks determinator
              I am going thru a rotten time and trying to stay positive. I get really mad when people feel sorry for me. (I don't show it!) Maybe trying to stay positive is a good way to get thru this.
              If that makes sense.


                Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

                How very true, Deter. What a great study!
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

                  Det, thank you. I needed this message. I may copy and email to friends!


                    Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

                    I think many of us ...MANY...are living proof!!!!!
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

                      Hi Det,
                      Just a thought...maybe the same could be said when it comes to whether the CD's work or not... Instead of "hoping" they will work, how about believing that they will? I went into it with the attitude that it was absolutely going to work for me - it had to - and it did
                      The mind is so powerful, we need to use to our advantage - we can do this!
                      Thanks for the great post...:thanks:
                      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                        Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

                        Right on the money,'s all in your frame of mind and how you enter the battle...



                          Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

                          Thank You for this~

                          I am feeling
                          apart of a "Program" that is guiding me to focus on the visual of "people successfully doing that"~

                          as [Alcohol] effects various people differently-"some fall down/some keep keep going.
                          Sure am learning if I focus on my fears I may suffer, instead.

                          How I have the strength to keep the positive in focus, is through YOUR thoughts, and your experiments conducted, as we all are "fighting through the pain".

                          You are all my Security Professionals.

                          With assurance and rest~

                          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                            Proof of the magnitude of your own brain power

                            Awesome post!

                            I think it boils down to what we believe. If we "believe" pepper spray will totally incapacitate us, then we act accordingly. If we believe it is only a "deterent" from our goal, then we will still have to fight through it, but will perservere.
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

