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I just don't get it

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    I just don't get it

    I was invited to a party Saturday night. I attended with an open mind as it was a wine tasting. Honestly, I sipped a few wines, drank a lot of water in between and was so in control of al. I mostly drank water when everyone was sucking down the wine. I was completely relaxed and enjoying myself, especially being sober. I left earlier than most and felt a sense of pride and satisfaction as I drove home.

    Yesterday I was home relaxing and I started drinking. Why? Why not drink a lot at the party when everyone else is drinking? Why alone? So, today is day one again and frankly, I am getting tired of day 1 after day 1.

    I have no problem with al in a social situation. The problem is when I am home. Alone. It has to be some sort of emotional thing. Excuse my french but what the fuck is this about? Why why why do I want to drink alone and isolate?

    Granted, I as most of you have been thru a shitload in my life. I go to therapy and God knows I am so much better as I work thru all of my stuff but what is it about wanting to sabatoge myself? Sometimes I feel self hate and drinking is like punishing myself.

    I am not an egotistical person but I want to tell all of you that my business is growing so fast lately that my head is spinning. I am producing my own cable cooking show and it is taking off. Opportunities are coming out of the woodwork. I feel like this is a Godsend but I can't shake the binge drinking alone. I will talk to my therapist about this but I trust everyone here and I don't know what to do. It is really the only negative in my life and I want it to fucking go away. What do I do? I am on the verge of tears right now.
    If I continue to drink this way, I could lose everything good that is happening not to mention my health.

    I am so disgusted with myself and so frustrated.

    Sorry to ramble.
    __________________________________________________ _

    Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.

    I just don't get it

    now and zen....follow us on the day 1 thread ...there alot of us thinking along the same lines today .You will get alot of support there.


      I just don't get it

      Zen, I used to do that all the time. I could (mostly) keep a handle on my drinking in public because I didn't want people to know that I had a problem (well, they did). My REAL drinking, I did alone. Almost always... except when I had a drinking buddy who was as fucked up with alcohol as I was. Why? Well, why ask why? What really does it matter? You can come up with a thousand "reasons" but that is (in my opinion) a waste of the time and mental energy you need to STOP IT. The "why" question is (again, in my opinion) a delaying tactic, a way of secretly hoping that when you figure out WHY, then you will easily or automatically stop doing it. It just doesn't work that way...

      I hope you find a way to come to terms with this... best wishes,



        I just don't get it

        limers;380302 wrote: now and zen....follow us on the day 1 thread ...there alot of us thinking along the same lines today .You will get alot of support there.
        Ok, limers I will. Thanks so much, all of you for your support.
        __________________________________________________ _

        Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


          I just don't get it

          I understand

          what all of you are saying but it hurts to admit it.

          I understand what you are saying about the "why?" It really doesn't matter.
          __________________________________________________ _

          Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.

