(ok, no, they don't have legalized pot in Costa Rica...lol...!)....Ya'll have to go get this book, its incredible, and a short easy read! It is life altering! I just had to tell you all about it, it applies to sooooo many of our problems, and why we "medicate" with alot of things, or obsess over this or that....its not about alcohol, its about your mind, spirit and soul.....I can't wait to finish it! I love you all, I'll post more later, gotta be in Tyler to see a councelor about the Celebrate Recovery start up group, if you can find one near you, its a great, fun deal....I've posted about it before, but it started with a pastor at Rick Warren's Saddleback church, being an alcoholic, feeling guilty, and knowing he couldn't be the only one hungover in church on Sunday..its a great program....you can google, Celebrate Recovery....then, gotta pick up the dog, and some groceries, the cupboards are bare! Costa Rica was amazing, relaxing, adventureous to say the least, and very enlightening! I will say this....when the Costa Ricans say something is "exhilarating", that translates in the USA, to "scares the hair off your ass".... that's the best I can put it to ya! We survived and had a awesome time! I love you all! Tons and more tons. Thanks again for taking the time to support me, and love me, it means soooo much, and I promise I WILL recipricate ANYTIME! jill:thanks::h:l
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I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Well, I tried to catch up a bit on all the threads last night, we got in about midnight, and I had to settle down and re-group to get to sleep, time change and all the sitting about in planes and cars, and WHEW, did I miss alot! I'll try to post to you all here and there as I catch up on the laundry and wet beach, rainforest clothes! As you all know, the weeks leading up to our vacation, were about as bad as its been for me, except when my Dad passed away suddendly at 55. I know More2 posted the "happenings" surrounding my Stepdad's funeral just days prior to our leaving, and about my daughter, and her total HISSY FIT, and meltdown over my slip0up, that you all have read about, prayed about for me, supported me, loved me (in a way I could FEEL from each of you), I have poured my heart out to More2, and Kate over the "drama" over the phone, and to all of you here on the threads, and I can truly say, that I don't think I'd feel like I do right now, without EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU PRAYING FOR ME, AND JUST SENDING HUGS AND THOUGHTS! This site is soooo powerful. And, group prayer, just works, I feel it inside. I truly feel like you guys are my family! It's so wonderful to have so many friends to garner strength from! My daughter didn't go with us to Costa Rica, and I was glad by the time the funeral was over, and hubby and I were on our way to dinner, alone, after all the aftermath! She tried to jump on me once more before we left, and I left her a message that I surely hoped she never messed up and let me find out about it, because I really subscribed to the "Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them to Do Unto You", and I didn't think this is how she'd want me to Do It to Her! I told her she had many years ahead of her, and had no idea what things might befall her, I hoped and prayed, none, but life is usually never that simple. That I refused to leave the country, or city for that matter, on a bad note, as we'd all just experienced, anything, can happen in an instant, and I wanted no regrets, she could have them, fine, not me. So I told her I loved her, and I'd miss her, and please be safe while we were gone, and not to call me again with any crap, I wasn't leaving on a bad note, and this was my last say, on the subject. I didn't call the entire week, until I had to make sure she got in to get the dog, which she kept for the weekend. What a difference a week makes! Seems she felt a tad guilty, remorseful herself, then, couldn't get good 'ol, "I slipped up and got sloshed" Mom on the phone in a foreign country, and kinda shaped up! Remind me from now on, to put my foot down sooner, after I extract it from said mouth tho! Anyway, she's fine now, I won't tolerate that type of thing anymore, and, I surely won't fret over it. Ditto the rest of my family, they are so dysfunctional, I'm surprised they didn't pop up on YouTube during the whole fiasco. You cannot try to be rational, with irrational, paranoid, self-centered, egotistical spaz's! And, I may say, you can and should take the high road, esp. in a family crisis/diaster, but don't expect any of that to be returned, do it cuz its the right thing to do, then let it go. If you do it thinking, that it will be returned in favor, or change anything, don't even do it, or go there. My experience anyway! I'm just glad its over! NOW, AND PRAYERS DO WORK....LET ME TELL YOU IN WHAT WEIRD WAYS!!!! Just like More2 found a book she needed badly, that had been left on a shelf, and was placed in her hands while packing, that I'm totally enjoying now too....I was in the airport, leaving, still down, kinda dragging, mostly I was sapped of any energy, and just still bummed, needless to say....and saw this book....THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI !!!! It caught my attention, and all I can say is, I'm only halfway thru it, and its changed my whole state of mind, and thank you Jesus, I found it in the Houston airport and read it on the plane going to vacation....it was perfect, cuz Costa Rica is sooo beautiful, you can see so much beauty in so many things there. And their people, are so sweet, happy, and have lots less than we do, and smile all the time...and are so geniune!
(ok, no, they don't have legalized pot in Costa Rica...lol...!)....Ya'll have to go get this book, its incredible, and a short easy read! It is life altering! I just had to tell you all about it, it applies to sooooo many of our problems, and why we "medicate" with alot of things, or obsess over this or that....its not about alcohol, its about your mind, spirit and soul.....I can't wait to finish it! I love you all, I'll post more later, gotta be in Tyler to see a councelor about the Celebrate Recovery start up group, if you can find one near you, its a great, fun deal....I've posted about it before, but it started with a pastor at Rick Warren's Saddleback church, being an alcoholic, feeling guilty, and knowing he couldn't be the only one hungover in church on Sunday..its a great program....you can google, Celebrate Recovery....then, gotta pick up the dog, and some groceries, the cupboards are bare! Costa Rica was amazing, relaxing, adventureous to say the least, and very enlightening! I will say this....when the Costa Ricans say something is "exhilarating", that translates in the USA, to "scares the hair off your ass".... that's the best I can put it to ya! We survived and had a awesome time! I love you all! Tons and more tons. Thanks again for taking the time to support me, and love me, it means soooo much, and I promise I WILL recipricate ANYTIME! jill:thanks::h:l"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"Tags: None
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Hey there TIT!
:welcome:Back! Sounds like Costa was a great trip for you! Glad to see you made it back! Missed ya!:h
I spent 4 months down there years ago, travelling w/my surfer boy...(that's a long story...a whole life time ago)
The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Tit!!! So happy to have you home safe and "Balanced"While reading your post I could hear that wonderful sparkle in your voice again!. You are one hell of a woman! This entire year has been filled with one heartbreak and challenge after another for you...test after test, yet, you may be a bit down for a day or two....but you always look for a way to take the high road and take care of whatever it is at the time! So, many of us can learn from you, dear friend!
I am so happy to hear that you and hubby had such a good time in Costa Rica, and that it was a healing journey for you! Also happy to hear that you will be starting this recovery group. I know you have been excited about this! You have to keep us up to date on how that goes.
Good to have you back!
Much Love,
XXX KateA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Glad you survived the "scares the hair off your ass," however, remember we live in the South where you get a little nervous when the guys in the group say "Hey, Watch this!!"
I am so incredibly happy you are feeling better and your relationship with your girl is a little better.
I keep asking my daughter why she and I are on different "timetables." Whenever I am working on being sober, she is drunk, and whenever she is sober, I am the drunk. (Darn. Actually read that with another word in place...)
I will check out the website you mentioned.
Thank you for the wonderful "check in." You know we all love you and care about you deeply. I mean that, we care very much. You are so special to me, that is for sure.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Pleased to hear you are back safe and sound!
My MIL bought that book for my hubby last Xmas and he's never read it - in fact I seem to remember him giving her a squiff look but I'm going to scrounge around and try find it and give it a go."The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Thank you so much for sharing all of this. My kids are younger, and I do think I learned from you. I think your boundaries sound very good, and I was reassured you took the high road. Also, I have my own struggles right now and they would be easier, much easier to deal with if I had more faith.
Your stories about the book helped with that.
I am very close to my daughter who is 12, so I really tuned in to your story, to learn, and I wanted to see if things would get better between you two.
You are inspirational, and I needed that today!
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
I'm happy for you that things have settled down, your holday gave u a breath of fresh air and a sense of peace. I think sometimes we that 2 much from our kids and should set the line earlier than we do.
I 'm glad your feeling alittle better
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
TIT! So glad you are home safe and sound and that things are calming between you and your daughter. Your reflective analysis of this family drama is very wise and offers much to those of us who deal with dysfunctional families. (Which is all of us! LOL!) I will get the book!
Love - Best"It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Thanks all! I'm glad to be back too, sleeping in my own bed was sweet, even if it was only a few hours yesterday.....lol.... More2, I'll call you tomorrow, and fill you in! Nibs, I saw soooo many animals, and I thought of you and Bird a million times too! Wally22, I have a REAL LIVE PIC OF YOUR AVATAR from Manuel Antonio, CR., you wouldn't believe the things we saw! It wasn't the animals that "scared the hair off my ass", so to (Texican) speak, it was the white-water rafting the Pacuare river, during the tropical rainforest weather, that was butt-balding at best....lol....I'd rafted the Colorado river several times, so older hubby, just HAD to do this....I'm pretty sure I marked "white-water rafting" off my "to do list before I die"...but, I'd forgotten it....so we get there, and I'm starting to remember, why it was probably off the list, when they started making us strap on helmets, that even had ear covers on them...and they pulled the straps, on my life jacket, that I thought felt perfectly secure, so tight, that my breast implants where relocated up under each ear, leaving me with an "OMG, I have the mumps!", look about me....at least I knew my dang head wasn't going to be under for long if I fell overboard, but geezzzz.....so, I'm getting in the raft, telling hubby, look, whatever you do, DON'T FALL OUT....I don't care if you grab the so-called "chicken" rope for dear life, or think you look like a whoosy, pussy, whatever....JUST DON'T FALL OUT.... Well, second set of rapids, we go up on my side of the raft, we are hanging on by our toenails, paddles towards the heavens, ear enemas, and when we finally upright again, no hubby....I mean your first impulse is to jump in and start saving them, but you can't....I'm frantic, don't even see him, he finally, amonst the rapids, appears, (thank God I bolted his glasses to his gator things, then to the velcro of his Columbia shirt)..., and he's like a bobble in the rapids....but he follows directions really well, so he just gets turned over, throws his feet up in the air as much as possible, and he was so far thrown out,....not falling out, he was a human missle outta the boat, we had to throw him a 70ft. line and reel him in, in class 5 rapids....I couldn't believe we weren't on the way to the ER...by way of the damn jungle....2 of us pulled him in like a dead carp, and he spit out about a gallon of water, sputtered, flopped and farted, and said...."Oh wow, that was FUN!".....I wanted to beat him to death with my paddle then! That's just the second day....we survived a tropical storm, and several other hair erasing moments, I'll have to tell it all a bit at a time, I still have jet lag!
Wally22, you'll LOVE the book, I'm too tired to finish it tonight, but I will tomorrow, its amazing that just reading it, changes your mindset! Tomorrow group! Love you all! Tons!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
I'm Back, and Balanced, thank God!
Sooooo hubby was almost not back and very unbalanced..whew.. what a ride, you wrote it so well the whole thing played out in my head... Loved rafting back in the day, don't think it is on my list anymore either...especially a level 5, weeeeeeeworkout:chick:mwo2
It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.