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what to do about sugar cravings

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    what to do about sugar cravings

    I just can't seem to get the sugar under control. I am consuming massive amount of chocolate and ice cream every day.
    I saw that Doggy girl has been sugar free since June,! Great given up all the bad things. How have you worked out your diet to keep the cravings at bay? I'm middle aged,going into menopause, fairly fit. I'm alittle frightened as my mother delevoped old aged diabetes due her sugar intake............any suggestions would be welcome. thanks

    Be real proud of yourself:thumbs:

    what to do about sugar cravings

    I think L-glutamine is supposed to help with sugar cravings. you might want to search on meds board for more info.
    Enough is enough


      what to do about sugar cravings

      Hi Monrose, Lglut and kudzu are REALLY helping me.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        what to do about sugar cravings

        L-glutamine is working great for me also!
        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          what to do about sugar cravings

          Thanks for the fast replies will get some of the supplements tomorrow.


            what to do about sugar cravings

            Yep! L-glutamine is the best for me too! I had never had sugar cravings until I stopped drinking. Then I could not get enought of the side affects of AF. But, taking the l-glut, calms that craving right time, the cravings do subside!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              what to do about sugar cravings

              Hi monrose and also everyone else who posted to this thread.

              Alcohol acts like sugar in our blood streams, so when we stop feeding our bodies alcohol, sugar works too. Or other high carb foods (i.e. bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.) that also behave like sugar in our blood streams.

              While it can be challenging at first to get through these cravings, the best way to reduce your craving for sugar is to STOP feeding your body high sugar / high carb food. It feels like a real struggle initially, but once your blood sugar evens out, it's worth it on many levels.

              L-Glut will help - for ALL the same reasons it helps with AL.

              While I'm not very good at doing this part, it is far better to eat several small meals per day than 3 or fewer larger ones. I'm a believer in getting an adequate amount of protein which for me is a target of at least 90 grams and no more than 120 grams. I try to spread that out between meals as it helps keep blood sugar stable.

              I do eat some fruits that a considered lower on the glycemic index such as berries and peaches. I eat the actual fruit - no fruit juices for me. (fiber)

              I try to limit artificial sweetened things to. For me, it seems to just make me think about eating REAL sugar things. Plus there is not so good information out there about the chemical nature of aspartame, splenda, etc. When I DO go for something sweet, I try to use Stevia as a sweentener which I've read is much easier on the blood sugar response (hence less likely to produce cravings) and is also natural - so gets me away from the aspartame chemicals.

              I'm human - so I DO have emergency strategies!! While I try to save them for emergencies, I DO keep some sugar free popsicles in the freezer!

              Sorry this is so long. Diabetes II runs in my family, so I've studied this stuff more than I would ever want to. Another reason why AL is poison for me, along with sugar and other stuff that turns right into sugar.

              Day 82 Alcohol & Hangover Free
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                what to do about sugar cravings

                Gia, I used to be the same way, my entire life. I would have a pound of Godiva Chocolates for 6 months! But, when you go AF, you might, for a period of time crave sugar. It is your body attempting to replace the sugars it used to get from AL.
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  what to do about sugar cravings

                  So...kudzu has other uses besides just stopping cravings? I never knew that!


                    what to do about sugar cravings

                    Better that it's sugar than booze ! If you've been to AA meetings, you'll see lots of sweets around. We crave it....IAD.
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      what to do about sugar cravings

                      Gia;380373 wrote: Why is it I don't get sugar cravings? I have lots of sweets here in the house, the yummy ice creams, my favourite bars and such...and they will sit there for a good six months or more and most of the time either get freezer burn or they go stale.
                      In addition to what Kate1 suggested, it also sounds like you do not currently have any pre-diabetic type insulin responses like many people do (I believe I do). Therefore, you probably do not experience the degree of blood sugar spikes and subsequent lows that tend to trigger cravings for sugar.

                      It's a bit like AL. People who can eat one cookie, then put the bag away and not eat any more cookies, or think about it too much for days probably don't have issues with blood sugar. People who eat one cookie, and that prompts the desire (and possibly result) of eating the whole bag in one sitting probably DO have a problem with processessing sugar in the blood. (all related to proper functioning of insulin)

                      When it comes to food "sensitivities" (i.e. allergies and so forth) we tend to crave what is problematic. I am sensitive (probably allergic to some degree) to wheat and I crave it like mad. If I get started on say...garlic bread katy bar the door.

                      Anyway...enough on food and my problems with it!!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

