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    hi guys, im on day two here woohoo. having some cravings but nothing crazy. just wanted to get some ideas on how to avoid thinking about bad things and ho to focus on the good things?


    Think about how great you will feel tomorrow!
    Think about how when you wake tomorrow you will remember everything thing you did and said tonight!
    Great job on 2days!



      hey thats a good one. i like that. cuz i probably will feel great tomoro! thanks shelby



        Nothing complicated, Ghost... Just Do It! When you notice that you are getting all involved in thoughts about drinking... just shift your attention... re-focus onto thinking and/or doing something else. Simple... not necessarily easy, and not something you do just once and it's all OK... but something that requires vigilance, self-awareness, and mental discipline.

        The choice about what to think about, and what to do, is always yours... so long as you don't take your power of choosing away from yourself, by drinking or by putting yourself in a situation that is a huge trigger...

        Keep going, it just gets better....




          Sometimes the stressin on the bad things are things that we need to deal with, like bills or errands or just getting the kitchen clean.. the day to day issues that feel like Groundhog Day, day after day after day...the best way to make those icky things stop stressing us it to just do them, or make a plan to tackle them. Or make them smaller steps...anything that you can do about them to put them in a forward motion will make them feel positive.

          When you first give up al the bad things are in your brain more because al is not making them go away....when you become truly AF (alcohol free) the bad things are there but you can deal with them better, you might have to convince yourself to do them, but you are not ignoring them.

          Concentrate on getting AF, the rest will follow.

          It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.

