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anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

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    anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

    I have been taking Naltrexone for just over a month. It helps a lot with my cravings and I have cut way back on my drinking but I am not alcohol free. Anyway, instead of drinking I have been eating way too much ice cream, cake, cookies, candy, etc. I even get up in the middle of the night and eat this crap. It completely disrupts my sleep and makes me feel terrible yet I continue to do it. Does anybody else have this problem? Has anyone found a solution? Does the kudzu help with sweet cravings?

    anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

    Sugar cravings are very common when AF or cutting some of the AL out, becasue they AL and sugar are almost identical chemically. Some also say that giving in to the sweet tooth can increase likelihood that you will drink. Other people say putting Anything into your body is better than AL. I don't know what people do to cut down on the sugar cravings, though. I didn't have much of a sweet tooth when I was AF in June, and I was taking supps and Topa then, so those may have helped.


      anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

      The L-glutamine is supposed to help with sugar cravings, as are some of the amino acids in the All-One, I think. I don't understand it completely, but it has to do with alcohol being similar to sugar and your body missing it. Generally what is recommended is to avoid sugar and eat as healthy as possible. I don't have any great solutions other than just telling yourself no. You might try water with lemon, more protein and whole grains. I'm sure someone who has dealt more with this will have more suggestions.


        anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

        I have been AF most days since June 30th but not every day. Once I realized I was eating a lot of sugar I tried all the junk food out of the house. Now I find myself buying ice cream as a "treat" to myself for not drinking. Argh!!! I guess I will try taking the supplements and really sticking to a healthful eating plan. I already drink lemon water which I enjoy a lot but does not seem to curb any cravings. I guess it makes sense that my body would be craving sweets, but I thought after a few days sober the sugar cravings would go away--well, they don't!


          anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

          I posted about this the other day. My sugar intake was way out of line. I already have a sweet tooth especially around the start of my period.
          Theres lot of great advice on my thread. Re:Sugar cravings.
          I also realised that this summer my work hours have been strange, my family are running in every different direction and we haven't been sitting down to proper meals. Once you start skipping meals eating something fast its seems to roll ball from there. My body seemed to need more and more sugary things.
          I started drinking more water than normal, i drink alot anyway. Back to 3 meals a day, one cooked with stir fry vegies and rice. I feel the difference already I did have some chocolate yesterday but only 2 small pieces instead of 2 blocks plus a tub of cream. I normally do alot of excerise but this new job is killing (will have to change next year)So I've decided that I have to excerise everyday again whether I have to get up one hour earlier or walk at nine at night. My insides feel better already, I guess you just have to stay vigilant.


            anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

            Yes, this has been a real problem for me! Have gained about 10 lbs. in my nearly 5 AF months. Thanks for starting this thread. I will study all of these suggestions carefully and get myself back on track.

            Hugs, Best
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

              I also woke up with a terrible craving for the frosted brownies I made last night for the kids (I just had one, they were great).
              I am letting myself indulge (within reason), as a treat to myself for being AF. The other night I was struggling so went to DQ for a sundae. Sometimes those little treats just feel great, especially when you're still feeling somewhat "deprived".
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                anyone else eating tons of ice cream and cookies?

                I, too, suffer sugar cravings when I am AF.

                The L-Glutamine is supposed to help with that. So I take it.

                Have never noticed it help but what the heck!!

                However, I have added the fresh lemon juice made with stevia and not only does that seem to help with alcohol cravings, it helps with sugar cravings. Mental? Probably, I am mental anyway.

                I, too, have been working very hard on eating healthy since I restarted the Antabuse and simply cannot drink. I snapped back from my last binge very quickly, and I think that is the reason. I do the ALLOne, GABA, L-Glut, Super Bs, b-12 sublingual (gastric bypass requires it), and Calcium with Vitamin D because I have been diagnosed with osteo at the early age of 51. All due to drinking and smoking btw!!

                Meds I am taking is Antabuse and I have now added Campral and SAMe. (Include the SAMe as a med, even though it is an otc supp, because I take it in lieu of Prozac) Doctor is fine with all these. She makes sure I write down everything I take and bring it with me each time.

                So, this time (my last time darn it!!) I am tackling this thing the way I should. Supps, meds for my weak determination, eating healthy and drinking lots of fluids. Oh, and have even added exercise. That really does help.

                AF April 9, 2016

