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Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

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    Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

    I feel bad starting a thread that isn't really alcohol related, but it's one way to keep our minds busy, and I could really use some advice.

    I am almost 48 (October 21 for all of you that want to put it on your calendar):H.
    I made the decision after the birth of my last son 10 years ago to use an IUD for contraception. I had just been through gallbladder surgery, and just really didn't want to be permanently sterile at the time, so decided against a tubal ligation. Now I'm looking at needing to replace the IUD.

    I have several options, none of which appeal to me very much. I don't really have too many signs of entering menopause at this point, so we do need something (although not very often unfortunately)

    Vasectomy is out of the question. I'd also like to stay away from the IUD's (cramps=BAD) I'm not interested at this point at putting any artificial hormones into my system--unless a really low-dose mini pill would be an option???

    What I asked the doctor about yesterday was the "Essure implant" method. My luck I would go through all of that and then next year need a hysterectomy or go through menopause.

    Any suggestions, ladies????

    Thank you in advance! :h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

    Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

    I'm guessing condoms are out of the question?

    I was on the pill after the birth of my second. It (I forgot the name) makes you only have a period every 3 or so months. Even then it is very light. I also never did well on the pill (with the hormones) but I did fine with this one. I just have a hard time remembering every morning.

    Good luck finding something that works for you!


      Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

      Oh my hat, that gave me a giggle!!

      We are both Librians, I am the 22nd! Are you also indecisive LVT?

      I am interested to hear the replies as I am almost in the same boat as you... I want the bloody thingy out as I have re-occuring probs but what to replace it with? I am not good with the pill, that's how I got my one and only daughter and I agree with you on the hormones - it's just not right for me!

      So what else is there? AND NO, ick I wont use a helmet thanks!
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

        Hi LVT25, I was on an injection which I got every 12 weeks, it meant no periods which was great but having been off it for about six months I feel much better, I think it gave me bad mood swings, but can't be sure as I was drinking then and I'm not now. Joesgal


          Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

          LVT25.........don't apologize to the guys if you are talking about sex.....they don't mind.
          I am the wrong one to ask as I am post menopausal...I think, but abstinence comes to mind.........just kidding!
          Yes, what abou the pill?
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

            I know there is a new IUD on the market that is safe. Mirena is its name. You can Google on it.

            Although, my daughter's doctor did not recommend it for someone who had not had any children yet, due to it causing discomfort in a uterus that had not been stretched by a pregnancy first.

            She had also taken the shot (I can't remember the name) and her first few months were horrific with bleeding. After that, though, she loved not having periods. Her only side effect was weight gain.

            It does seem that most birth control hormones cause weight gain.

            Maybe that's why they work? :H

            AF April 9, 2016


              Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

              it sounds like you want something that is not invasive and natural...the hormone levels are not natural to your how about the block technique, condoms???
              what about the good ol fashion rhythm method???


                Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                I had the tubal ligation immediately after birth of baby #3 which ended up in a C-section anyway so, I was easy access.
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                  All I have to offer...PLEASE no one use the SPONGE...I thank God for Brit for the creation of the sponge and my girlfriend is also loving her first child due to the sponge.....I am not sure if we F-d the thing out the way or what but we both have beautiful little children running around asking for money for high school today....HA
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                    :H:H:H Wish I could help on this one,sorry nothing is 100%.

                    I know !!!!!

                    Next time Im going to do all of the above lol

                    good luck anyway im sure you will find somthing that suit you.

                    Jacs x
                    Mwo,s worst speller....


                      Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                      You could try this

                      Spray-On Condoms: Still a Hard Sell - TIME


                        Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                        OMG--you guys are giving me a really good laugh at this!! :H

                        I think I will invest in the spray on condom idea!!! :H

                        I do think the rhythm method is probably the most practical right now, but what if we actually start having sex more than once a month again??

                        Definatley trying to stay away from the synthetic hormones--aka the pill, Mirena IUD, Depo Provera inj, implant, patch....

                        Condoms.......hated them way back when, I don't know, might be worth a try. At least DH would have to take some responsibility.

                        Thank you all for your advice.....and grins!!

                        DeeBee---if I could make a decision, I wouldn't be wondering what in the hell to do right now!!!:H
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                          The pill/medication or whatever it is that makes you only have 3 or 4 periods a year is supposed to be BAD. Talk about screwing up your system.

                          Condoms aren't that awful -- at least they're cheap. Of course when we ran out and did it anyway (drunk of course one night), that's how we were surprised with baby at age 40!


                            Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                            Um sorry i know this wasn't a guy thing to comment on but Gia'S comments "Condoms smell funny"... Im laughing so much i've wet my self> Every time a condom was produced I smelt it too I reckon I could smell that thing a mile away and when it was produced i had to say to the other interested party meet MR Floppo hes smells a rat HAAAAAAAAAA can we do something else!!!!!
                            sorry Cap Gia your hilarious


                              Birth Control Options--Female issue--(sorry guys)

                              Gia;383096 wrote: Condoms smell funny...
                              Oh my god......sorry gia but how do you know, didnt think they went on your nose :H

                              Opps guess thats were I went wrong then !!!!!

                              Jacs x
                              Mwo,s worst speller....

