Yes , I love ot so much too .We had no tv growing up and my older brothers were heavy into bowie and the stones and of course the beatles so I grew up with this stuff always on th e turntable. I was lucky I think .
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Friday sucks Bring on monday AL free wake up for work feelin good
Friday sucks Bring on monday AL free wake up for work feelin good
Yes , I love ot so much too .We had no tv growing up and my older brothers were heavy into bowie and the stones and of course the beatles so I grew up with this stuff always on th e turntable. I was lucky I think .
Friday sucks Bring on monday AL free wake up for work feelin good
But Lou Reed Berlin can you find any of that I just ball my eyes out when i hear that album speaking of which that new york american scene stuff like Patti Smith' ,Alan Vega' the Dandy wharhols the brian Jones town massacre any one find that stuff