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Addiction and the pill

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    Addiction and the pill

    I've been absent from these forums for a while, trying really hard to get my drinking under control and having many setbacks but I remained determined, have undergone therapy etc.

    I had also been having problems with my periods for alot of my life but they had been noticaby worse the past couple of years, anyway I finally convinced my doctor to put me on the pill (tubes tied so don't need for contraception, not that I'm getting any, lol) to alleviate mood swings and heavy bleeding...

    Since I began the pill 7 weeks ago I have not had a drink, not had a craving, and don't really think about drinking at all, and have given up the smokes as well, with relative ease.

    I'm thinking this is like some kind of a miracle, I feel like a different person....has anyone else heard of this happening, and pray to God, will it last?

    I honestly feel like I could live the rest of my life without ever having another drink and it wouldn't bother me!

    Cheers, Deepy

    Addiction and the pill

    Wow, that's great! A hormonal imbalance correction maybe?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Addiction and the pill

      there is a definate...

      relationship between female hormone levels and alcohol substance cravings...for some the pill makes it worse, for some better. The pill made me horribly depressed so I couldn't stay on it, but bio identical hormones made everything I was struggling with seem so easy to, drink etc. I could exercise albeit with some plannig and disipline, but not the uphill battle I had without them. Unfortunately I had to go off them for other reasons, but I felt really good and had hardly any desire to binge while on them. Read Elizabeth Vliat's, "Screaming to be Heard" about hormones issues. It is a great book, but there is one case in particular of a women who had intense alcohol cravings realted to drops in estrogen.

      I am soooo glad this is working for you.

