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Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either

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    Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either

    Hi Cindi and all who've posted,

    I went to see Rhonda Lenair in May and was really hoping it would be the answer I was looking for. Unfortunately, that didn't turn out to be the case.

    I woke up one the day of my appointment full of high hopes. I had my "last drink" at about 6:00 pm the night before, hoping that by the time I had my 4:00 pm appointment on Tuesday that the alcohol would be out of my system, as requested in my confirmation letter. I arrived about 30 minutes early for my appointment, after having spent 4 hours driving there, to be "greeted" by Barry and having him point out how early I was and asking if I could come back in about an hour because they were running late.

    I should point out that the center is in the middle of nowhere in Vermont. The last 1/2 mile to get there is along a rutted dirt road, and there are no signs to direct you. If I hadn't seen a picture of the place online, I would never have found it.

    Not exactly the warm reception I was expecting or hoping for, so off I went to bide my time until I could go back. My first thought was, don't they have some kind of waiting room?...and then I wondered just where I was supposed to go and how I was going to find my way back....
    I thought to myself, "hmmm, ok, not what I was expecting, but let me give it a chance, since I've just spent $3200, taken 4 days off from work, and driven all the way here...".....more importantly, there was the fact that I felt I was at the end of my rope and really thought this would help. I had done a lot of research and read all the testimonials and thought this was going to be the answer.

    To make a long story short, I lasted about 10 days without drinking, primarily because I kept thinking about how much I wanted it to work and how much money I had just spent.

    I came away with a long list of herbs and vitamins to buy, plus a very restricted list of foods to eat and the recommendation to try qui gong classes. One thing that struck me was that all of this was pre-printed as a checklist.....suggesting to me that they may recommend the same things to everyone on a regular basis.

    Three months later, I am still in debt from the expense with no end in sight as to how to repay it, plus I am still drinking. Forget being able to buy all the vitamins and herbs or signing up for a qui gong class!

    I sent Barry an email about my continued drinking and then had a follow up call with Rhonda that lasted all of five minutes, in which she advised me to come back for another treatment before October (which is when the six months guarantee period ends). Yes, let me take more time off work and spend another $400 and see if it works this time.

    I keep thinking of that adage, "A fool and his money soon go separate ways". I feel duped and also very disappointed, especially in myself, for not being able to stop drinking.

    Maybe Lenair works for some people, but it didn't for me. The lesson I learned is that there is no easy way out and no "silver bullet".

    Best wishes to everyone who struggles with this problem,


    Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either

    Stay with us - we will help you free of charge, love and compassion costs nothing.

    Good luck my lovely - we are in this together.


      Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either

      sorry Dolphin - posted at same time - Scottish connection obviously makes us soul mates in cyber space!!!



        Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either

        I am sorry to hear this. I too went to Lenair and SO FAR it has worked, but I do wonder about the longevity of it. I had 8 months last year on the MWO program, so to be a true believer I will have to hit a year for sure. Keep on trying. This didn't work for you, but something will. Never give up.
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either

          I'm sorry this didn't work for you but I very much appreciate your honest report.

          I am delighted for the people for whom Lenair has worked but to only read of the successes represents an unfair picture - we need to hear that it is not a 100% guarantee to sobriety for everyone. Thank you.

          Wishing you strength to continue the battle.


            Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either


            I agree with Tawny, thank you for sharing with us.

            Keep trying
            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


              Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either


              I am so sorry it didn't work for you, either.

              However, after coming back and being a complete idiot and hating myself, I decided to go back onto Antabuse and sober up anyway.

              I refuse to give up. I will try whatever it takes, even if it is just steely determination.

              The option for me is death. Not kidding.

              Keep trying and do not give up.

              We are here, you can talk to us anytime you want or need.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Lenair Didn't Work for Me Either

                Hi Bandita,

                The more I read here, and the more days that go by, the more I've come to the conclusion that fighting an addiction is really hard in the long haul. I know in my heart of hearts it's worth it, just not as easy as I was somehow hoping it was going to be. Was just reading a thread where a long-time member is dealing with relapsing, and I know I go through peaks and valleys all the time. So sorry to hear about your Lenair experience. I wonder what their real "success" rate is. I suppose if it helps only a few, it's worth it (just rather expensive for the rest!). I hope you will find your success here - at least we're cheap!


