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    Not a day goes by that I don?t thank the universe for my sobriety. I feel incredibly blessed and never for one second would I forget where I have been not too long ago. The sheer terror of the consequences of taking that first drink still sits deep within my bones and that is why I still come here. I would like to remind myself what life would be like again if I slip and I also would like to extend a helping hand to those who are still seeking a way out.
    The majority here can celebrate with me but there are some elements that want me to apologize for my success. Not gonna happen.

    MWO is made up of a cross section of all social strata from all around the globe. We are just like a village and if we wish to get along we have to conduct ourselves accordingly. Good manners are the support structure that make a society work, whether it is in cyber space or at the grocers, in the dessert or in the bush. Name calling is a form of abuse and aggression ? you might as well pick up a stick and hit the next person over the head. This, of course, elicits a reaction and before long we have all out war and anarchy. What was gained by it? Nothing! And they are not just words, they are barbs that sit and fester. ?Words spoken are like water spilled on sand, you can never take them back?.

    If these hurtful and insulting words were spoken while under the influence of whatever substance, we might be able to shrug them off, because we all know how minds are altered when drunk. However, if they were said while stone sober then that is a whole other story. YOU HAD A CHOICE and it becomes totally unacceptable. I don?t care what the excuse of the day is but in my books nothing makes it ok to call people names and to fly off the handle, rant and rave like lunatics, slash and burn until they go it all out of their system.
    Treatment for anger management might be in order.
    To quote the frog: ?Think before you type?, and think of the consequences of your action and put yourself into the shoes of the recipient.

    Be careful what you shout out into this world; it?s the echo that might define who you are. Try to apply good manners in your daily life as well as in cyberspace, the rewards will simply blow you away.
    My two pennies worth.
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


    Lori, I think that is very well put.
    I have been here for over two years now. Have posted sober and sometimes whilst drinking.
    I don't however, recall EVER being rude, dismissive or aggressive towards any other person on these boards.
    There have been occasions when I have been incensed by what I have read or watched unfolding on these boards...but still I have not hit out or abused anyone.
    I agree.....lets all try and have some manners. It will make this place feel more calm and peaceful.

    Sober since 30/06/10



      Very well said. I would like to take a minute and apologize to the forum for not being a big enough person to walk away from it all yesterday long before I did. My actions did nothing to help the situation and I truly am sorry for my part in it.



        I agree. As I recall, good manners should apply at all times in all parts of life. I can't tell you hard I worked to try to teach my children that.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10



            Amen Lorisunshine, the MWO community literally saved my life and allowed me to focus on something that I was unable to grasp previously...that I was not alone in my desperate and frustrated struggle to be well in mind and body. I have the utmost gratitude for my many friends here.
            If someone has a misunderstanding over something I've typed I'm happy to zap them a quick PM and it's cleared up in no time and all is good again.

            I'm quite sure that if you look for trouble you will find it everywhere.

            my new goal as a healthier person is to look for joy. and I'm finding it

            be well my friends
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)



              Thank you Lori!

              What has taken place recently on the boards has been disheartening to say the least. If you have an issue with someone PM them, don't drag us all into it. That is not what this place is about.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me




                You said proberly what everyone else thinks...But 10 times more elequently than i ever could..You have a real way with words..

                What an excellent post..
                I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



                  Thanks Lori
                  Spot on



                    Thank you for posting this Lori.

                    I need this place to be safe and supportive, for me and for everyone. I hope I did not cause any harm inadvertantly myself. If I had, I apologize.




                      I agree with Lushy....all of yesterdays events could have been handle privately via PM' need to drag the entire group down. I can only imagine what a newbie would have though.
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                        Good one Lori.

                        Thank you for your post to bad everyone doesnt get it.
                        Gabby :flower:



                          Having a community as close and intimate as this with the side dish of most of us being intoxicated most of the time...I am amazed it is as calm as it is..

                          Usually the commen cause shines above all else...Its bound to go pear shaped sometimes...I'm not condoneing it..

                          I think we do quite well..
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



                            Mackeral;385514 wrote: Having a community as close and intimate as this with the side dish of most of us being intoxicated most of the time.....

                            Aside from that...awesome post Lori.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.



                              Think i came across wrong then doggygirl...I backed what lori said..Proberly didnt get my opinion across as well as i'd hoped...I cant speak for everyone...your right...but at the moment i am usually intoxicated..

                              No offence intended....Sorry..
                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

