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Here Comes the Rain

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    Here Comes the Rain

    Living where I do in the Pacific Northwest doesn't give me license to suggest MY weather is like the rest of the PNW. However, we receive at least 140" of rain a year and that doesn't include the grey skies. I did a test on our weather for the last few years and we receive about 90 days of the year free of rain. Which will explain why my home is up for sale, and yes, I have no buyers even though it is a gorgeous fly fishing property. I don't know if I can ever live in a more perfect place - for a few weeks of the year.

    I lived in Texas for 8 years and the summers were horrible, but the fall, winters and springs were lovely.

    I have experienced 30 days of 100+ and my daughter has experienced 108+ for the last several weeks. The town has been levelled this past week for temps over 85, and 20 minutes of the nightly news are advising heat advisories, and hope for more rain.

    In writing this I am cognizant of the areas of this planet that are rain starved, and if I could I would send you this rain, because I know you need it.

    My flowers, hanging baskets, planters, etc.all fell to powdery mildew this year and my roses have mildewed too, even though I have treated them all carefully.

    Being affected my Seasonal Affect Disorder, this summer here is far too short, even though I love my home, the river, the mountains, etc. my heart just sank today seeing the weather forecast. My a.c. only clicked on 3 times this summer.

    I understand too all of the people who have lived here all of their life, and hate the heat and don't mind the rain, they are good people, I am not one who embraces rain.

    It is such a beautiful country and I wish I could tolerate the rain better, but I can't my heart sinks.
    Enlightened by MWO

    Here Comes the Rain

    Hey Skendall, I have lived in the 3 or 4 different places. i grew up in So. Cal. The weather is great but you have to deal with lots people and freeways. The closer you can get the coast the better. I lived in Seattle for a short while. You know what that's all about. No sun. I lived in Hilo HI. I loved it. Lots and lots of rain and I was from So. Cal where there is very little rain. Now I live on Kauai. The worst weather is some humidity with the heat (never, never above 90 F.) and rain mostly at night or scattered in the day. Where ever you live you need to work. You have to consider family. Our kids (in college) and parents are all on the mainland and we are expected to travel every Christmas and summer break. We are just teachers and barely make ends meet. My parents moved from KS to CA in the 50's and never looked back. They hated the snow and reminded us kids of that every time we took a week-end vacation to the mountains for snow play.


      Here Comes the Rain

      Oh your home is for sale? You will not get that size of property in So. Cal or Hawaii. We live in a town home with a good size yard which i love.. but not my dream of a little plantation cottage on an to the beach...haha.


        Here Comes the Rain

        Hi Sk, I'm sorry you're so blue.
        This PNW climate - ya gotta love it or hate it. I moved here from Florida 13 years ago, and I LOVE it here. Yes, the winters and rainy season can last awfully long, but it helps me to appreciate the beautiful days when they come.

        I hope your house sells and you find the right place for You.
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          Here Comes the Rain

          Well I am in Florida, and we are watching hurricaine Fay as I type. It looks like it is going to hit the west coast of the state (I am on the East) so we are not in major harms way, but it is raining and thundering as I write this, and only going to get much worse in the next couple of days....

          I am not complaining. I love it here, but boy, these late summer/early fall storms sure keep us on our toes!!!!

          Love to all

          formerly known as bak310


            Here Comes the Rain

            Lucy, glad you are safe in east FL. My in-laws are in west FL, not too far from Tampa. We moved them to a hotel as they live in a mobile home and put their pup in a kennel. Now waiting for it to flood here in north TX where we are. Gee, don't ya just love "summer" weather? I hope everyone stays strong from coast to coast. Be safe y'all!
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              Here Comes the Rain

              SK, having been born and raised here I tend to enjoy the rain (not every day of course). However, you live in the middle of the friggin worst part of the state for rain. I don't blame you actually. Constant rain would make me nuts after a while.

              I hope you get some buyers on your house. I saw pictures of it and I think it is just an amazing place. Like I told you it would be nice to uproot that whole property to somewhere sunny for you!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Here Comes the Rain

                Thanks Lushy, it would be better living in Seattle, because then at least you have things to do and cool neighbors like yourself and MOW, More2, etc.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Here Comes the Rain


                  I remember years ago in northern Germany, I used to get frantic if my son didn't wake up in time for us to take a walk in the winter before the sun set. I didn't understand it at the time but now I do.

                  I, too, get SAD even living in Alabama, now.

                  I have truly found that supplementing with Melatonin helps greatly. In the winter, I take 3 mg in the evening. Not to help sleep but to keep SAD at bay. It seems to work for me.

                  I love the Pacific Northwest, too, but I do know how much it rains there.

                  AF April 9, 2016

