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My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

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    My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

    Went to my home town for the weekend..about a 2 hour visit my son, grandaughter and friends.

    It started off so well (son and daughter in law are getting divorced) He has my grandaughter every Sunday (she lives in a different town now).Well, son got a text Saturday night saying he couldnt have her as she'd made plans.

    He phoned her to say i'd travelled through and wanted to spend some time with grandaughter. Her reply...your mothers a pisshead, probably pissed out of her head right now ...WHAT !!!I couldn't believe it. Of all the people I know I thought she was the one that understood. Her dad was an alcoholic for years. She told me she bought him at least one bottle of whisky everyday. She was so supportive up until about three weeks ago....I don't know what's happened. I've never been drunk near my grandaughter.

    I was also hoping to find a place there to rent so as to closer to them.

    Found a lovely little house but she's been to the landlord, told him it wouldn't be wise renting to me cos I'm an alcoholic.

    Needless to say I didn't get the place. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    The only good thing thats come out of this is that I feel stronger than ever. I'll prove her wrong the little b**ch.

    sorry for the rant but i feel so angry about it.

    Minty xxx

    My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

    possibly she is just trying to get at your son mostly. sorry you have to pay part of the price.
    Gabby :flower:


      My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

      I think you're probably right gabby...but I was SO disappointed. Not sure when i'll see her now. Thankfully didn't get the urge to drink, just got angry instead.


        My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

        Yikes Minty,
        Yes that would piss me right off!!!
        How DARE she go to the landlord???!!!
        She obviously has a big problem herself if she doesn't want her daughter to see her grandmother.
        Have you tried to speak to her reasonably?
        Do hope you find a way to resolve this.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

          hi tess,sorry for your pain,and wonderful you didnt use,hang tuff,gyco


            My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

            Minty, that totally sucks, hurtful on several levels. So glad you didn't drink, and that you are using the anger to feed your determination to NOT drink, over this or anything else!



              My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

              I'm sorry to hear all of this. I too went through a terrible divorce sometime ago, My ex did nothing but trash my parents whom had nothing to do with it. There is alot of anger. When a friend of mine got divorced her mother in law came to her and said she wanted to stay firends with her. I have heard from other people that staying friends with the mother of your grandchild is a good thing, it gives you an "in" with the child.


                My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

                Hi all....thank you all for your support, it really does help.
                Heard at the weekend my Aunty had died...funeral tomorrow, but daughter in law says she'll be there with her mother...WHY????..they hardly knew her. Hope she isn't out to cause trouble. I'll be ok..I think the best thing would be just to ignore them.
                I can't do with any trouble, my auntie was an angel....I just can't understand why they want to be there.
                Oh well! I have to stay strong.


                  My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

                  Hi Minty

                  So sorry to hear about your aunt and the betrayal by your DIL.

                  Personally I would be a bit careful about ignoring her- you hear some horrible stories where divorced parents won't let the grandparents see the grand kids- sometimes it even goes to court and she could bring up all kinds of shit.

                  Maybe a polite 'Hello and Thank You for coming' might be better?

                  When she sees you are sober she is going to feel guilty for her actions in the near future anyway.

                  I think what she has done is REALLY wrong, but I would hate to see you going through more drama because she is mad at your son.



                    My wonderful weekend away NOT grrrr

                    Agree with Marbella -

                    Show her how gracious you can be in spite of it all. It will only make her look bad to others (which she will see) and perhaps prompt her to behave equally gracious. Plus, it will help you to feel better for doing the "right and proper" thing. Don't stoop to her behaviour, no matter what.

                    Sorry to hear about your Aunt.

                    Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08

