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There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!!

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    There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!!

    Oh Welcome Back Evie!

    I thought it was me missing a whole batch of threads when I couldn't find you. So glad you're back!! As to your topic, have been talking briefly with a friend about this very thing. It's a hard one to touch on lightly - she goes to hear all kinds of speakers. It there one book or two you would recommend as a sort of "primer?" I'd like to learn more, but find it easier to do with a book and my trusty highlighter. Welcome home - the place hasn't been the same without you!



      There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!!

      I have read tons of books and been listening to speakers for many years and there is 1 book that stands out as being the most through and well researched(Beyond 2012...Catastrophe or Ecstasy? Geoff Stray)I think he lives in Glastonbury so the book has to be ordered from the UK...WELL WORTH IT!!!...Last night I was surprised that the History Channel ran a very scary 2012 show that I hope you all did not see...There main saving grace is that they did have Daniel Pinchbeck on and I respect his work on 2012...Both of the people I mentioned have web sites so that a look and make up your own mind...I am not a expert on anything....just a Spiritual seeker gathering the best info that I can get my hands on...I am excited about the future and the changing world...NOT AFRAID OF IT...Please do not negative press get to you IGNORE IT...We get what we focus on so I only see GOOD...EVIELOU
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

